After dark

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favourite song ^^

this song just makes me feel sum type of way.

anyways enjoy this well deserved imagine. <3


Y/n had practiced with her powers without her father's help. She is always one step ahead.

"Zero! We will continue training tomorrow! Maybe you'll surprise me again." Reginald bellows.

"Yes, father." Y/n walks out of the training room.

Five was waiting at the door frame. "So what do you do in your spare time?"

Y/n jumps in fright. "Five!" She slaps Five's arm and walks off.

He follows after her. "Am I really that scary?" He chuckles.

"Yes!" Y/n pulls his hair, but not too vigorously. "Ouch!" Five rubs the top of his head and frowns.

"What do you want Five?" Y/n questions as they begin to walk up the stairs.

"Just came to check in." Five sarcastically grins.

"Hm." Y/n gives the same smile back at him.

Five giggles. "Why are you always one step ahead of dad?"

"Because I practice on my own sometimes." Y/n walks into her room with Five still following.

She sits on her bed and Five sits across from her, their legs both crossed.

"Can you show me something?" Five asks curiously.

"Manipulation is risky Five." Y/n states.

"I know, but just do it." Five demands.

"Okay then." Y/n raises her eyebrows.

Her eyes start to go red. Five's eyes do the same.

"You slap yourself."

Five slaps himself. His eyes go back to his normal green eyes, Y/n's also went  back to her natural e/c eyes.

He rubs his cheek. "Kinda regret my decision now."

"Bet you do." Y/n laughs.

"Maybe show me something else, and maybe don't make it violent." Five suggests.

"Okay." Y/n agrees.

Their eyes go red again. "You kiss me."

Five leans in and kisses Y/n softly on the lips. They pull away. Their eyes once again normal.

They stare into one anothers eyes.

Five leans in again and kisses her, without being in her control.

Y/n kisses back with the same gentle movement.

They both pull away again. "Woah." They huff in unison.

"You're a good kisser." Once again in unison.

They both giggle.

☂︎ 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 シ︎ FIVE HARGREEVES IMAGINES ☂︎Where stories live. Discover now