The Moment

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(Told in the perspective of America Singer)

I started to pick up my bow that was laying on my desk. I brushed my hand over the horse hairs of the bow which I know you're not supposed to do, but hey it's my life. I picked up my violin that was sitting near the plants that were on my windowsill. I was starring at the lily plant that was siting right there next to the bookshelf. It reminded me of home and of my sister, May. She and I used to run in the fields and pick lilies near Aspen's treehouse. I miss those times when I was free to just be myself. I started playing my violin, thinking about how the grass felt on my toes on the warm sunning days in caste 5. I was reminiscing about the time when I used to play catch with May and we would fall down on the grass looking up at the magnificent trees above us. The eagles high above in the sky giving us a show as we smiled and held hands. I miss my sister, May so much, I haven't seen her since the day I got sent away to live in the castle. May is the most happiest person I have ever met and she can talk for ages which can be annoying at times, but we all have our flaws, especially me.

I set my violin down and started to write a letter to May, it read:

Dear May,
I hope you and the rest of the family are doing well. I hope you are helping mother and father with the chores missy. Are you reading any good books? I am currently reading a classic called Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy is everything. I'm pretty lonely in the castle. I have meet a woman named Lyra while I have been here, please don't tell mother that I'm secretly seeing her. You can't tell her or anyone else about that, am I clear, I would be punished if I got caught being with someone other than Maxon or as I like to call him Mr. sucks the fun out of life guy. He's so boring, all he wants to talk about is himself. I hope he gets with Kriss and not Celeste because at least Kriss is not a stuck up girl from mean girls. You should come save me May, please, I'm begging you! I have Included a lily flower in the letter, I hope it makes you smile and helps to make you remember the good old days.

Love you,
~America, your favorite sibling~

I sealed the letter and looked at myself in the mirror.  I am wearing a red dress with beautiful lacing that my mother had done, she always loved to sew.  I circled around my room and found a penny that my father had given me.  My father had given me this penny when I was 10 years old.  I always either carry it around in my pockets or keep it locked up in my drawers so that my maids don't accidentally take it and throw it away or something. There was a knock at the door.
"Go away Maxon, I need to sit on things," I said.
"It's not Maxon, it's me America." It was Lyra's voice. Her sweet voice that gives me butterflies inside my stomach. I opened the door and hugged her so tight.
"How did you get inside? You shouldn't be here, what if you get caught," I said getting scared.
"Can I come inside America, we can talk in there," she said.
"Yes, come in, come in," I said opening the door.
"Wow, your room is amazing, I love those plants, they fit your whole vibe," she said.
"Thank you, I do love plants so much, I used to do a lot of garden back home," I said with a smile.
"America there is something I need to tell you," she said.
"You can tell me anything Lyra," I said. Lyra told me all about the numbers on the shed and the mystery of her father.
"You don't have to figure this all out on your own, I'm here to help," I said.
"That's not all I want to tell you America, there's something else," she said. She stepped closer to me, coming into the light and she kissed me right on the lips.

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