Chapter Four - Black Behemoth

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"There's no way, Alexander." I stared blankly at the black behemoth in front of me. It was practically taunting me.

"Sorry, it's what I came in," he shrugged at me but his eyes twinkled mischievously and I wondered for a moment if he was enjoying this.

"I can't," I uttered my eyes wide in fear. He laughed.

"Come on, it won't be that bad. I promise." He passed me the helmet to his sleek black motorcycle as I stared in horror, holding the helmet as though it would detonate at any moment.

"It goes on your head," Alexander said slowly. I gave him a dry look. He grabbed it from my hands and gently placed it over my head, brushing the strands of hair from my face with the back of his hand. I stood as still as a statue as I felt knots appear in my stomach. He snapped the visor down loudly and the sudden sound made me jump.

I could hear a chuckle from Alexander as he climbed onto the bike himself. He held out a hand to me. I grabbed it gingerly and threw my leg over the back as ungracefully as ever holding onto his shoulder for support. I placed my other hand on his other shoulder so I was clutching them both as I waited for him to start the bike.

"You gotta hold on tighter than that, Olivia," he grabbed my hand and placed it gently against his stomach. I blushed intensely at the feel of his abs beneath his shirt. I could barely feel my arms right now, much less hold on for dear life. He took my other hand and placed it on the other side of his body. I held on limply.

Alexander held the clutch down and twisted the handle revving the motorcycle to life. I squeaked at the noise and clamped my hands as tightly as I could around Alexander, bunching his shirt into my fists in the process. I could feel his abs clench as I did so. I hoped I wasn't holding on too tightly. He put his foot on the floor to guide the bike forward slowly.

"You ready?" He shouted twisting his head around to look at me. I shook my head. No. Definitely not ready to die at twenty one. "Yeah," I replied doubtfully.

He placed his foot back on the bike and leaned forward dragging me along with him before racing forward. I squeezed my eyes shut and placed my forehead on his back. Please don't crash. Please don't crash. Please don't crash.

I didn't dare open my eyes once. I felt the bike slow down after several minutes and Alexander's large hands slowly peeled my fingers from his shirt. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that we had parked in front of what looked like a 50s diner with white and blue checkers. Flashback Diner the neon sign displayed.

I had no idea where we were but it wasn't on my list of places to avoid so that was something at least. Alexander got off the bike expertly before holding out a hand to me. I grabbed onto it lightly and he helped me off the bike. I tugged the helmet off my head and handed it to him before he placed it back on his bike. My hair was sticking up in weird ways and I tried to discreetly pat it down.

"This place looks cute," I said as he walked us inside. He hummed in agreement. The bell chimed when we entered announcing our presence.

"Sit anywhere!" Came the bubbly voice from the kitchen. The restaurant was filled to the brim with color. Bright red seating, bright blue checkered curtains, and neon colored art pieces sprinkled around the dining area. It felt homely. Or like an eclectic home at the very least.

Alexander walked towards a booth by the window and I followed. We sat down across from each other and he handed me a menu from the table. I skimmed through the list and could feel my mouth watering at the possibilities - jalapeño popper burger, nacho cheese burger, Oreo mud pie milkshake. I couldn't even decide.

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