|9| - The Discovery

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**Freddie Highmore as Sammy.**


YN ripped her hand out of Peter's grasp, her eyes wide as she takes a step back.

"How? How do you know?"

Peter narrows his eyes, shoulders tense as he inhales harshly.

"That's what you ask? How do I know? What about my question YN, when were you going to tell me about this? When it was too late? When you became a fucking Crank?" He hissed, taking a step forward. "What's going to happen when we go back and find them? What are they going to do knowing that your dead, gone."

YN stared at him, frowning at him before sighing and turning away. She flexes her stiff fingers as she looks over the edge of the building.

"When YN."

"I don't know Peter." She whispers, the wind picking up and blowing her hair behind her.

She turns her head towards him, the tears visibly falling down her cheeks. Peter's eyes widen.

"I don't know anything Peter. I don't know how long I have left. How long I'll still be me for. I don't know what to do Peter." Her voice cracks as she looks down at her feet.

Peter sighs under his breath, taking a step forward he slowly brings her into his arms. He closes his eyes as she begins to break down in his arms.

"I don't know if I'll be able to see them again Pete. I'm scared that I won't be able to say goodbye."

He stayed silent, not knowing what to say because the truth was more apparent to both of them. Lies wouldn't help.

She wouldn't make it in time to see them. The Flare was already up to her shoulder, soon it would reach her heart, and then.

Peter shook his head, pushing her back enough to look her in her teary eyes.

"Hey, hey look at me. You'll make it, I won't let you become one of them before you see your family again. Okay?" He smiles slightly.

YN stares up at him in shock, before it melted into a kind smile. She nods. "Okay."

Peter smiles and pulls her back into a hug. "Good."

But behind his eyes, the sadness was bleeding back in. And it left him with a heavy heart.



YN was talking to John about the plans of when we were going to finally leave the last city and take the rest of our friends back from WICKED. Peter was listening to the radio while tinkering with another invention of his. Sighing, I pick up my gun and knife, my black bracelet jingling as I tucked in the gun. 

"Where are you going?" YN asked as I began to walk to the door.

"Just wanted to take a walk. Don't worry, I'll be back soon." I smile as I walk out the door. 

"BE CAREFUL AND CARRY YOUR GUN!" She yelled just before the door closed.

I smile to myself before walking down the stairs, heading towards the doors leading towards the streets.



I could understand why they called it the scorch now, the sun and sand. I cover my eyes with the shadow of my hand, and I glare in the direction of the sun. 

"We should take a break there Thomas!" I heard Minho yell from behind me.

I glance at him before looking to where he was pointing. It looked like a bridge that had collapsed. 

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