Finally (Part 3)

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The rasoi ceremony was finished, and Avni got praise from everybody. Her in-laws had given her gifts, everyone was happy which Avni was confused about.

"Tillu, where is your gift for Avni?" asked Bebe

Avni looked up shocked. "Bebe.."

"Avni, sssh" said Bebe when she saw Avni starting to refuse. "it's your right"

"Avni, what would you like?" asked Neil.

"I would like to visit home" said Avni.

"I've been asking you about going to your parents."

"Not my parents home. My Ayesha ma's home. Ayesha House - The NGO that that I worked at, Neela Ma supports it. I feel at home there. I haven't been able to go there since my accident. I would like to go there please."

"Sure." said Neil "But what would you like for your rasoi gift."

"I don't know. Visiting Ayesha is a gift. Not sure." said Avni nervously. Avni couldn't figure out what he wanted from her.

"Ok. I will figure out something. Get your things ready and I will take you to Ayesha House and then after we will go to the Mehta house for your Pag Phera."

"Ok" said Avni softly.

Avni quickly started to pick up the dirty dishes, when Bebe said "Avni, you go get ready. Beema will take care of the dishes. Before you leave remember to grab the gifts for your family."

"Ok Bebe. " said Avni

Prakash, Shweta and Bebe blessed her, and left the room. Leaving Avni with Neil and Kareena.

"I will get my things." said Avni as she left the room. What she didn't realize is that Neil had followed her in their room. As she grabbed her purse and turned around, she jumped as Neil was standing right behind her.

"Opps. Sorry. I didn't realize that you were right behind me." said Avni.

"No worries. I have something for you." said Neil

"Why?" asked Avni. "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked that."

"Why not. We are in our room. You have the freedom to question me. I had said that do not question me unless we are in our room. Here take this." as he gave her a small box.

"A phone? Why?" as Avni had opened the box.

"I know that you didn't have a phone. So I got it for you. Now grab the gifts from Bebe and we will leave for Ayesha House. Afterwards we will stop off at the Mehta House. Remember, no staying over. We will go there together and we will come home together. And lastly, do not question me while we are there."

"Ok. I wasn't planning to stay there. I don't want to even go but since you want to go, let's go."

"Fine, but remember when we get home, we will talk about our expectations of this marriage, remember in our room only." said Neil.

Avni and Neil said there goodbyes and left.

When they got to Ayesha House, he noticed that Avni was like a different person. She was carefree, happy and stress free.

After a couple of hours, Neil decided to take Avni to her paternal home.

When Dayawanti saw that Avni was there, she had made disgusted look when she thought no one was looking, but Neil had seen her. Dayawanti welcomed Neil in without saying anything to Avni.

Luckily everyone was in, so they were quickly ushered into the sitting room.

Neela had asked,"Avni, how is your health now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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