Being Loved (Part 2 of Wanting to be Loved)

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The next three days, Avni was kept busy with people coming and going thru the house.   People were taking her measurements, asking for opinion, literally she didn't know whether she was coming or going. 

She was married on the fourth day without fail.  Everyone was happy except Avni.  Avni was confused at the rush and why was it important.  She was guarded, never left alone.    During the day, she was always around Neil's family, and in the evenings,  Neil was always watching her.  Thankfully, her nights weren't too bad.  She shared a room with Kareena, Neil's cousin in these three days.

Avni was in Neil's room still wearing her wedding outfit.  She looked around, saw all the decorations, for the wedding night and shook her head.    She couldn't figure out Neil and his family.  They were acting like this was a happy occasion, even Neela Ma along with Riya and Amol were part of the festivites.     Her father and grandmother only came for the wedding, thankfully she didn't have to deal with them.    She looked around the room and noticed that were two other doors in the room, one was opened which was the washroom and the other was closed.   She didn't even open that one,  there was in the cupboard and a vanity in the room.   She opened the cupboard and saw there was a blanket there that she could use.  Her small suitcase was beside the cupboard, so she grabbed her bag and grabbed her clothes.    So she quickly went to the washroom and changed into her night clothes.   She quickly grabbed the blanket and went to sleep on the sofa.   

An hour later, Neil walked into his room, expecting Avni to be on the bed, and was surprised to see sleeping on the sofa.  He shook his head, and softly said "Pagal"

He quickly changed in to his night clothes, and went the sofa, and softly picked Avni up and took her to the bed.    He softly patted her head, and kissed her forehead.  He got in  bed beside and went to sleep.

The next morning,  Neil woke up alone in bed, he looked around and figured that Avni had already gotten up and was downstairs right now.   

Avni was just finishing up breakfast, when Bebe and Shweta had walked into the kitchen.  Avni quickly said "Good morning" keeping her head down.  

"Good morning Beta"  said Bebe and Shweta

"What are you doing?  asked Shweta

"Making Breakfast"  said Avni quickly

"Does Neil know?"  asked Shweta

"No,no...he is still sleeping?" stammered Avni

Just then, a shout was heard:

"Avni!  Avni!"  yelled Neil

"There you go.  Go to Neil."  said Bebe laughing

"But breakfast"  asked Avni

"It looks like you have already made it.   All we have to do is take it to the dining table.    We can do that.  You go see what your husband wants"  stated Shweta as Neil yelled again for Avni.

Neil was about to yell out for Avni again when he saw her walk into the room.    She closed her eyes when she saw that Neil was only in his towel.   She was looking beautiful in her red sari, he squinted his eyes looking at her from top to bottom.    He walked over to her and closed the door behind her.

"You called."  asked Avni with eyes closed.

"Yes, open your eyes and come here."  asked Neil

"I can't, yyour not wwearing any clothes." stammered Avni.

"i said open your eyes and come here"  said Neil.

Avni clenched her teeth, and make a fist in the sari which Neil noticed.

Avni opened her eyes and walked towards him.    

"Give me  my clothes please."

"What?" asked Avni

"That is your punishment for this morning" said Neil

"Punishment?" asked Avni

"Yes.    Now that we are married.  There are a few things I like to clarify.   One.   You are the first person I see in the morning and the last person I see before I go to bed.  You left this morning before waking me up."

"Are you serious?"  Avni couldn't believe that he wanted to see her first and last thing during the day.  Her own grandmother called her a black omen if she saw her and he wanted to see her first thing.

"Yes.  Very serious.  You may have some expectations of this marriage, I want to hear them.    You have until we go to your father's house to let me know what they are."  said Neil

"My father's house?"  asked Avni

"Yes.  For Pag Phera.    We will go.  But you are not staying.  We will go for abit, then we leave."  said Neil.  "Now give me my clothes."

"But you already took them out, they are on the bed?"  asked Avni.

"My choice.  I want you to hand them to me"  said Neil

Quickly Avni grabbed the pair of jeans,  a shirt and a vest.  Handed it to him and quickly tried to walk out.

"Where are you going?  asked Neil

"You need privacy.  I was going to leave"  said Avni looking down.

"Why would I need privacy.  My room, my wife and my clothes."  and took off his towel.

Much to Avni's relief, Neil was wearing his boxers but she still covered her eyes.  

Neil smiled at her action and said "As I was saying,  I have a few expectations of this marriage, i told you about the first one.  Second, never lie to me nor hide things from me.  If I ask you something I want a direct answer.    Third, I make a decision, I want you to follow me.   Do not question me unless we are in our room, privately.    Fourth,  if you are angry, I don't want everybody to know.    It stays in this room only.   Lastly,  never sleep on the sofa.  Last night is excused but next time I won't be as nice."

"What?"  squeaked Avni opening her eyes.

"No whats about it?   Nobody sleeps on the sofa.    We sleep on the bed"  stated Neil

"But" said Avni.

"No buts."  said Neil.    He was ready now, and he quickly grabbed her arm and took her to the vanity.     He grabbed a small container and opened it.  Took a pinch of sindoor and marked Avni's forehead.  

"You are lucky that I noticed it and not Bebe."

"What?"  asked a confused Avni

"You were not wearing any sindoor.    Now, here is your sindoor."  He opened another door and walked in with her. 

"This is our closet.   If you need any thing changed let me know.    There is a safe in the closet, so we have kept your jewelries here.  There are a few more things but I am giving you an out today.   Follow my rules or there will be punishment "

Neil walked out with Avni back into the bedroom.

"Let's go downstairs.  Everyone is waiting"  and Neil walked out.

Avni was walking slowly behind him.    Confused.  

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