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Ever since Neil accepted that Mishty was his daughter, the Khanna house was a bit of warzone, whereas, Avni was trying her best in keeping the peace, but something would happen where either Neil or Juhi would get mad at her. Avni was tired of fighting, only support she had was Shweta Ma and Papaji.

Avni was bringing Mishty a bowl of custard, when Juhi saw her and blasted her, stating that Avni should stay in her limits. What Juhi didn't realise was that Neil had heard her, yelling. Neil was gonna go after Juhi to get an explanation of why she yelled at Avni, when his phone rang. He was shocked at the news he was given, so he had left the Khanna house, what he didn't realise what that when he came back home, everything was gonna change.

After Neil had left, everyone was in the sitting room, having tea and pakoras, when Bebe stated that Neil should marry Juhi. Bebe had asked Avni to step aside, and let Juhi, Neil and Mishty be a proper family. Shweta and Prakash had objected, but Bebe overruled them. Neil wasn't home to fight the decision, so Avni packed her bags, and left.

When Neil arrived back home after a couple of hours, calling for Avni, Prakash had to tell Neil, that Avni had left. He had told Neil everything, from Bebe asking Avni to leave and stating that Juhi should marry Neil.

"Never, I am married to Avni, and I am going to stay married to Avni!" yelled Neil

"Tillu, you have to think of Mishty! Bebe, if that is the case, then I shall adopt Mishty with Avni. But I will not marry Juhi" stated Neil

"I'm going to bring Avni back" stated Neil, as he left the house, going to Neela Ma's house.

"Don't worry Juhi, Neil will marry you!" stated Bebe.

"Bebe, this isn't right" said Shweta

"You be quiet, Madam Madonna!" yelled Bebe

"Shwetaji, let's go from here" said Prakash shaking his head.

Neil went to Neela Ma's house, and Neela Ma stated that Avni didn't come there, Neil went to the cemetary, to Ayesha Ma's gravesite, Ayesha Ma's house and the cliffside, but Avni wasn't at any of those places. Neil called DD and 123 gang, got them looking for her but nothing.

Neil went home empty handed. Shweta saw that Neil had come, asked him "Tillu, where is Avni? Did she refuse to come with you? Tillu, where is she?"

"Ma, she left. I couldn't find her. I looked everywhere. DD and her friends are also looking, but she left me. She didn't want Mishty to become another Avni. Ma, she left me" cried Neil into Shweta's lap.

"Tillu" said Bebe

"No! Stay away! Cause of you, my Avni has left me. Are you happy? She trusted you, loved you and in return she got betrayal from you. Stay away from me! You got that!" cried Neil

"Is this how you talk with your grandmother" yelled Bebe

"HOW should I talk after you ruined my life! YOU basically threw my wife out of her home. The home that was bought for her. Her father's house."

"Tillu!" said Bebe

Neil did a quick glance around the room and noticed that Juhi was standing at the top of the stairs, with a satisfied look on her face. Neil realised that this was Juhi's doing.

"Ma, Papa. I'm going to Neela Ma's house. Neela Ma is upset. She is trying to go thru her contacts to see if Avni has contacted anyone"

"Okay, Tillu. Neela ji needs you right now. You go, let Neela ji know that I will be over tomorrow."

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