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I quickly wash my hands and was about to exit the bathroom when I bump into someone. I closed my eyes hoping it wasn't who I thought it was, praying to god that it wasn't Harry. Please please god I know I haven't been the best but I swear I will try to go to church I will pray I will-

"Um are you okay?" My eyes snapped open when I heard the new unknown voice.

It was a tall lad, well taller than me, with jet black hair that's kinda longish but styled in a nice way with the side shaved. His eyes gosh his eyes were beautiful a nice hazel-brown color. In other words he was beautiful. I didn't realize I was staring until he stared talking again .

"Hello? Is someone there in that cute little head" he joked with a cute little blush I quickly looked away I could already feel my cheeks tinting .

"Um yeah sorry ill be getting going" I murmured looking down hoping I didn't do anything more stupid in front of this God -like creature. Gosh I swear I need some water this is getting out of hand.
I was ready to exit the bathroom when the God-like creature started to talk again

" wait!" he shouted grabbing my wrist I slowly started to turn around meeting his eyes once again. I guess he realized he grabbed my wrist and quickly let go, his cheeks tinting a rosy color.

"I uh I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to like grab you I just didn't know how to get your attention without freaking you out although touching you was more creepy than I realized oh and now im rambling-" his cheeks started to turn more crimson as he talked it was so cute as he rambled on

" Hey hey! its okay its actually cute when you rambled " I chuckled my own cheeks turning even more crimson red I can't believe i just said that, he stops his rambling and shyly looks at the floor then back to me

" I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik" He spoke sticking out his hand

"Niall Horan" I responded back shaking his hand " so Niall what class are you in now " he asked with his cute little smile "Actually im in English Literature how about you?" i asked leaning on the side wall that was next to me "graphic design " he declared looking at his watch

"shit" he hissed then looked back to me with an apology face " I'm so sorry Niall it was nice talking to you but I have to go I already spent like 20 min in here and the professor is surely going to kill me already .." he trailed off,

all of a sudden he looked down then looked back at me with a shy face " do you think I c-can get your number I mean you don't have to give it to me but it would be nice to keep in touch with you an-" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth to muffle his words, I chuckled

" you know you ramble a lot " I teased smiling he sheepishly smiled back scratching the back of his neck " and to answer your question it would be a honor to give you my number Mr. Malik" I replied smirking.

His whole face lit up and it seemed as if he regained his confidence back standing a little straighter " oh so now we are referring each other with last names?" he asked raising his eyebrow still smiling
" why not I am giving you my number aren't I ?' I joked passing him my phone so he could plug in his digits in my contacts "true, true" he admitted not looking up from the screen he called himself from my number and saved it

" well Mr. Horan it was nice meeting, hope to hear more of you later on" he added looking at me through his long, thick eyelashes "Ditto" I laughed off watching him walk away backwards his front still facing me until he surprised me with a wink and finally turned around exiting the bathroom.

Once I was sure he left I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding 'till now, I went back to the bathroom looked in the mirror and surely I was flushed cheeks tinted more pink than they normally are.

I finally exit the bathroom and walked back to class before Professor Payn started to get suspicious. " I walked into class and I guess I shut the door too hard having everyone's attention towards me

" Well. well Mr. Horan it was nice of you to join back our class for a moment there I though you fell into the toilet or something " he joked the whole class laughing my cheeks were on fired ,once again. I quickly rushed to my seat avoiding Harry's devious smirk wanting to hide. When I got there Louis nudged me and mouthed "what happened" I mouthed back " ill tell you later"

class was about to end when I felt a hot breath by my ear " what took you so long babe?' it was harry I could recognize that husky voice anywhere " was someone too turned on, needed a little wank to relieve yourself " I felt a gasp leave my lips at his dirty words he was so forward and too vulgar,

I turned my head to look at him ready to protest and bitch him out but I was so caught up in his words that I didn't realize that class was over already. He was already by the class exit but of coarse not before he sended me a discreet wink.

" what was that all about" Louis giggled " Jesus Louis what the actual fuck don't do that you scared the living day lights out of me!" I exclaimed i didn't even realize that he was standing next to me.

He was cackling now tears were streaming down his face I just rolled my eyes and walked out of class not really caring if Louis was following or not . I was almost to my dorm room when I heard Louis' shouts. I stopped waited fro him to catch up

" hey why did you leave me back there" he was panting his lips slightly pouting " because I would prefer if you didn't laugh at me then maybe i would have waited for you " I sneered walking into our door room

" but it was funny!" he whined walking in back of me closing the dorm door jesus what am I going to do with this boy.


Hey been a long time hasn't it ? I'm sorry I was gong to end this book but there has been people messaging me wanting me to continue the story and well here it is I'll try to make chapters weekly now that its summer but won't promise much. Oh and also THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THOSE WHO WOULD ENCOUAGE ME AND DIRECTLY NSG ME TO CONTINUE THIS IS FOR YOU LOVE YOU ALL !!


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