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Ignore the mistakes

B : Who are you and where are you taking him out . huh?  

J/FR : Who are you to ask me that ? You are just a servant stay in your limit

B : You stay in  your limit and just come to your orginal roop bcz i know you are not rani, i am rani 

J/FR [ a bit shocked] : What you are saying you are rani hahah Look yourself at mirror. you may have same face of mine but don't assume as rani You bi**h 

Suddenly a slap landed on J/FR face  it was bani who slapped J/FR by that slap jay came back to his orginal roop when he got the slap he landed on the floor and the stone[ the tantric gave him a  stone in show that one] was out from his pocket and he changed to his self .

B : What are you doing in my roop jay It was you who was behind all this . why jay why i gave you a chance to be good but i think you don't want it or you don't deserve it. Now  you will be punished and result for your deeds is death its now time for your death jay.

J : but how will you kill me bani . Do you know who i am I am not only aadinag  now  i am markhat also. Markhat ...... Now i am the most powerful person in this world hahaha

B : What you are Markhat but how........[pause for few seconds] You was the one who killed Markhat  by killing markhat you absorbed markhat's power isn't it ?

J : Wow Bani i must appreciate you You have a great brain you are right i killed markhat so i got her powers

V : Wait what are you both speaking about ? first you came as rani and now  you are saying you are the markhat and aadinaag now you are saying you killed markhat and you mentioning markhat as her as if markhat is a women. Main point why do i feel like i have saw you. are you that same mathur who runs that restaurant . do you have seen markhat before and bani how are you related to all this aren't you a human.

B : Veer i will explain this to you later now let me handle this jay , after that i will answer your questions ok   

J : Handle..? Who you aadi naagin me ? but how i am not even present here 

B : What..? You are standing ........[ she was stopped as jay vanished into this air saying bye to bani waving his hands ]

Veer's pov

how dare she to call my bani  Bi**h wait what i am saying i said my bani but why.. what was that i heard a thud sound What the hell is happening here the person who came as  rani is man but i feel like i see him before also i am feeling so angry seeing him But now i wonder what a strong hand is bani's that with a single slap that man is down on the floor that to with her palm marks on his face . his name is jay and bani knows him too why i am feeling this is the same mathur who runs that restaurant What the hell is going on here anyone will care to explain what is bani talking about what chance which chance and what she said now she will kill this jay till now i think she will only slap or shout but she is saying she will kill him but how does bani know this jay What the hell is this jay saying he is the aadinaag and markhat too is he mad or what but how does he know about all this and why he is speaking about all this too bani do bani too know about this all and why tapish bhai and meera is standing like that But what bani said next was not expectable bcz i think she don't know anything about all these  and she was saying this jay killed markhat and absorbed markhats power and why this jay is mentioning markhat as her i was really getting confused so i asked them but bani told me she will explain all things to me later but this jay vanished into thin air but what shocked me to core was that jay has mentioned bani as AADINAAGIN  Is bani the aadinaagin the one who destined to kill me and why tapish bhai is not reacting to it as if he knows her being aadinaagin  what is she doing with us the cheels she is leaving with us and we don't know her being aadinaagin is she staying with us to kill me is this why she is behind me as if she want me to fall for her and she use it and kill me is it reason to be with us but i don't know i am feeling bad to think like this one part of me saying she is not to kill me but the other part opposite My head will blast with confusion i have wait till i reach home to get rid of this confusions

Bani's Pov

I was already pissed off and now i should hear al these blaberings of this duplicate how dare this duplicate to call me bi**h. I couldn't control anymore so i just slapped her but to my uttermost shock it turned to he there was lying on the floor JAY on the floor due to my slap I was feeling betrayed again by jay  i trusted him again giving him a chance to be good but he was again and again repeating the mistakes  and now he is using the help of black magic too how could he . He knew that doing and getting help of black magic is  against the rule of nags and naagins then also how could he I Think how could he be aadinag he is not worth to be an earth warm even earth warm would be more trustfull than him now he doesn't deserve to live now he should be punished for his deeds when i said that now i will kill him he just give me other shock by saying he is markhat How he can be markhat..... now i get it... he killed markhat not her powers and he absorbed the powers of markhat to himself Ohhh no he is more powerfull than before . More than this veer doesn't has his memory and with all these talks now veer is confused i don't know what will i answer but now i wanted to deal with this jay otherwise it will dangerous so i said veer that i will answer him later but this jay vanished into thin air standing infront of me not before mentioning me as AADINAAGIN Heyy bholenath what will i do now already veer doesn't have my memory now what will i do when he will ask me how will i say him that i am not here to kill him as he before knew that aadinaagin is the one who is destined to kill him how will i explain him i am his wife his love of life.. will he belive it anymore   . was this that much important for jay to mention me as aadinaagin now haven't he already put me in a trouble i know jay is doing this all delebrately as he know veer hate naag naagins and i am the aadinaagin. Heyy bholenath pls pls help me to solve all this and win against all the evil powers......


What will be veer's further reaction ? 

How will bani solve all this problems ? 

What will be going on jay's evil mind ?

And Pls let me know if anyone needs jay's pov

To Know more wait for the next update 😁

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With Love RedQueen-21💖

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