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Next day early morning itself bani left to nag mandir to find a way to bring back veer's memory . As it was early no one of family was awake so left without informing anyone

Meera wake up and searched for bani but she didn't find so she thought she maybe gone out she will be back so she went and prepared breakfast everyone wake up and do their daily chores . Veer also did his morning routines but he couldn't concentrate his mind was wandering on bani's teary face and also from the time he wake up he didn't saw her he didn't knew why but he was feeling restless without seeing her Everyone came to breakfast table for their breakfast 

At Breakfast table 

Ba : Meera where is bani ?

Hearing balwant's question Veer started listen them clearly. 

M :I don't know she is not seen from morning

T : Then where did she go 

M : I don't know tapish  she didn't inform me 

V[mind] : how irresponsible is this girl can't she inform and leave if she wanted to go anywhere wait a minute why i am tentioned for her no no i can't fall for her

M : Even she didn't have her breakfast i think she will be back before breakfast but she is not here till now

T : Don't worry maybe she is on the way 

M :Hmm

Veer stand and was starting to go 

T :  Veer Have your breakfast 

V : I don't feel hungry i will eat later byee

He Left Breakfast table without having Breakfast

T : But veer

Ba : He won't tapish even after hearing that bani didn't have her breakfast he will not

Po : But Badepapa veer bhai doesn't remember about bhabhi 

P : Ponky Veer only doesn't remember his memories with bani  but the feelings he had for her is still alive in him it cannot be destroyed even if he himself tried to

V[mind] : Why i am feeling like this after hearing she didn't have her breakfast i also didn't wanted to have breakfast where will be she now why she is not here till now is she is in any danger What happened to you bani pls be back soon why i am feeling worried for you i only wanted you to stay away from me but why i am feeling restless without you No no i can't fall for you i want to get out of your thoughts i will leave for a ride thats better

  It was afternoon still bani was not back now even family members started to worried for bani . they was on hall waiting for bani  That's when the door opened and Veer came inside he was thinking that bani may be came back so he went to freshup and have his food .

At hall

P : Bhaisab did bani left the house

Ba : What are you telling pawan

P : Bhaisab yesterday veer said bani to get out of this house so harshly and from morning we haven't seen her nor she has informed us before going out

T :No i don't think bani left the house yesterday she had a determined look on her face that she will bring his memory back i don't think she left the house after seeing her determined look on her face 

Ba : but we all know that she give a lot of importance to her self respect 

M : Yes balwant uncle is right there is nothing important than her self respect  If veer is reason for bani leaving this house that too without informing her me then i am not gonna forgive him ever [ saying this she left to her room]

T : Meera is right in her place to let me handle her

BA & P : Hmmm...... [ they also left to their room]

Veer  freshn up and was walking towards hall in the way he saw Meera 

V : Meera didn't bani came till now u r looking worried 

Meera left without saying him anything but not before glaring him Seeing meera glare him he thought didn't bani back till now . he saw tapish also coming same way  he thought to ask him 

V : Bhai did you see bani

T : No i didn't see her from morning why are you asking about her you are the one who yesterday asked her to get out now why are you asking about her[ tapish left ]

V : Did bani just go away from here Ohh no bani where are you 

He was going to leave mansion for searching bani But at the exact time she came inside the house  She was having a injury on her forehead and there was little blood flowing there 

V : Bani......... bani sweetheart  where was you do you know much tensioned i was [ realising what he said ] i mean the whole family was especially your sister meera and  how did you got hurt where was you why didn't you inform anyone before leaving..

B : How all these things matter to you If I got hurt or dead....

V : BANI.... what are you saying , stop it okay 

B : Why all these matters to you where i was  If go out without  informing anyone that doesn't want to affect you

V : And i was not affected... That.....that  Meera.... Yes Meera was worried for you from morning and i don't care for you but i care for my bhabhi and meera is going to be my bhabhi so i just asked you   

B : If you finished your questions move aside i want to meet my sister

V : But you didn't answer me

B : And i don't think it is necessary to answer you 

She said this and left from their and  veer was thinking standing there

V[ mind] : What is happening to me why i was worried when i got to know that she was not back and Why did I call her Sweetheart and Why did i react this way when said that dead thing i became very angry at her dead word but why Why i care about her But Why she reacted this way today She never talked to me like this ever What happened to her how did she got hurt  Where was she till now 


How did bani got hurt ?

What happened on nag mandir ?

Is Veer getting his memory back is this why he addressed her sweetheart ?

Why bani behaved like that with bani ?

What happened to bani ?

To Know more wait for the next update 😁

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With Love RedQueen-21 💖

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