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After dinner  bani and Tara was on guest room where bani stay now

B : tapish bhai where are they

T : they are coming bani

They both came there

B : did you get any information about that jay

One of them : no bhabhi he didn't contact us from 2 days i think he got to know that we are on your team

So the both are ponky and daksh they are with bani

Flashback :

After jay meeting daksh and ponky for teaming up they said to jay they want some time to think

At daksh room

P :hey daksh what do you think about that dhabewala's offer

D : i am thinking about that only i think we should not team up with him

P : why we will get a lot of powers if we team up with him

D : do you think he will give us power if we help him

P : do u think he will cheat us

D : Of course yes he has cheated on bani bhabhi the one who was his soul mate only for powers and you think he will share the powers with us

P : yaaa u r also right

D : i am already guilty what I did bani bhabhi i was just taking the revenge for killing our monil but i didn't think veer bhai will take it this serious

P : even i didn't think veer bhai will take it serious somewhere in my heart  i know we was wrong. Me and monil should not have forced on noor

D : now we should reject his offer its not good to be in his plans

P :yes

Unknown to them one was hearing their talks suddenly the person entered and said

Person : Noo

D&P :  Bani bhabhi

Yes the person is bani she was going towards tapish bhai that's when she heard them talking

B : you should not say no to him

D : but why

B : before that answer my questions

Daksh and ponky looked at each other and nodded towards bani

B : i want you both to answer honestly

D : ok

B : are you both guilty for the things you did

Daksh and ponky nodded their head on yes

B : if i give you both a chance will you guys change for good

D&P : yes

B : then i am giving you a chance again

P : really

B : yes..

P : tnq tnq so much

Saying this he hugged bani and after few seconds he parted away

P : sry i just get over excited

B : its ok ponky you are my devar and devars are like brothers and brothers have the right to hug their sister ok

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