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Ignore the Mistakes

The next morning

Bani opened her eyes only to see her cute husband sleeping with a little opened mouth and his hands wrapped around her waist and his head on her chest and his leg on her leg, Bani smiled seeing their position. Bani couldn't help but place a kiss on his forehead seeing him cutely sleeping and try to get up But it was veer how could he allow his sweetheart to go away from him even in his sleep. As Bani tried to get up he hold her tighter , She tried again but He frown cutely on his sleep Making Bani go aww on him and place a peck on his lips and that worked his frown vanished and his hold on her got loose , Using that chance Bani came out his hold and went get freshen up, As she entered the bathroom she remembered their shower romance as she remembered it a red hue adorned her face ,She got freshen up and came out of washroom  in a red dress Wiping her wet hair with a towel

 As Bani tried to get up he hold her tighter , She tried again but He frown cutely on his sleep Making Bani go aww on him and place a peck on his lips and that worked his frown vanished and his hold on her got loose , Using that chance Bani came o...

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She saw time was going to be 8 , Veer should be in his room right now as within half hour is breakfast time and  by now everyone will be wondering why Veer is not present at hall as Veer usually will be present there at that time  So she should wake up Veer quickly. She sat on the bed  near veer 

B : Veer Veer Get up it is already 8 Get up [ by tapping his shoulders ]

V : 5 more mins gharwali [ saying he kept his head on her lap ]

B : No 5 mins more get up everyone will be wondering why you are not present at the hall till now so wake up right now 

V : Mmmhmm [ saying no and he snuggled his face into her face }

Bani nodded her head in disbelief then an idea stricked her, she started to trace her wet hair tips on his face making him turn his face and opened his eyes to see his gharwali's face which had a victory smile as he opened his eyes 

B : good  now wake up from my lap and go to your room 

V : Sweetheart i will not wake up until u gave me my morning kiss

B : No way wake up or i will stand up from the bed which will make your back kiss the floor

Veer wake up from her lap and sat there grumpily with a pout bani couldn't help but smile at her hot yet cute husband she stand up and went near him and kiss his cheek making his face lit up like a kid who got his favorite candy

B : Now get freshen up and get to your room quickly

Saying this she made veer getup from bed and pushed him to wash room and closed the door Then she went in front of the mirror and started to do her hair and make up Veer came out of the bathroom after getting freshened while Bani was about to wear  her mangalsutra and sindhoor. Veer came towards her and take mangalsutra in his hands and made her wear it and he came in front of her and took a pinch of sindhoor from box and applied on her hairline, she closed her eyes in bliss and Veer placed a kiss on her hairline where he had applied sindhoor , both of them had a smile on their faces. Veer cupped her face and was going to kiss her lips

Meera knocked on the door breaking their moment. Bani opened her eyes in shock whereas veer was again going to kiss her lips without minding the knock on the door

M : bani bani open the door

Bani pushed veer and said him to go to his room

B : veer go to your room i want to open the door [whispering]

M : bani are you awake....

B : veeranshu go [whispering]

V : why are you whispering this room is sound proof

B : now you are bothered about my whispering get to your room I want to open the door meera di is outside

V : Meera will go from there after not getting reply from  You thinking you to be asleep

B : Veer if you go i will do whatever you want 

V : Promise

Meera again knocked 

B : Promise, Now go to your room

V : Hmm I  am going  but don't forget about the promise

Saying he went out of the room by window

Bani sighed and opened the door. Meera was standing there with a questioning look

M : what was you doing

B : huh...... I was at the washroom

M : ohhh [not so convinced]

B : di why are you here

M : I was here to check as you didn't came out of your room till now

B : Ohh I wake up late today that's why i wasn't out till now

M : Hmm, Come its time for breakfast

B : Ha Let's go 

When bani reached down and saw Veer who was standing beside ponky daksh who saying something to him , Veer saw bani and looked if anyone was noticing them , when he saw no one was watching them he winked at her with a mischievous smirk and bani shook her head smilingly with a small red hue adorning her cheeks

Unfortunately one has seen them and looked at them with a _________ face 

Time to guess😉................ 

Comment down your guesses


Who will be that person ???

Is it jay??

What will be jay's plan ?

Sry for this short update  


Today's this update as a treat for my readers as i got a new baby bro today few hours before

Now i have One more brother and i couldn't see him till now as we all can't go hospital as elders are there already 

Eagerly waiting to see him !!!!!


To Know more wait for next update

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With Love Sharbhi_lov_Vani 💖

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