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Ignore the mistakes

B : We will talk and clear everything when we reach singhania mansion

T : I think bani is right [looking at veer] 

veer just nodded and they left with drunken ponky and daksh to singhania mansion balwant shukla and pawan was waiting for them only as tapish said to them everything that happened on farmhouse on the to singhania mansion as tapish and meera was coming together with the things they take to farm house they was scared of veer's reaction as they know he hates naag naagin and veer got to know about bani being aadinaagin balwant was tensed as he know only bani can save veer from the dangers so he can't end her away from singhania mansion and now he has a soft corner for bani too 

✨Pawan is not dead and he supports balwant in everything ,he is also included in rani plan 

Vani and TaRa with ponky daksh came to singhania mansion Veer and Tapish dropped ponky and daksh on their room and came back to living room. Only to see a tensioned family members standing there both reached there

T : Lets talk about everything tommorow today was really a hetic day [ understanding everyones situation]


Ba : Veer listen to us we can talk later

V : No dad i want to clear every damn thing today only what the hell is happening first she saying [ pointing towards bani] i am her husband and keeps me following everytime everywhere after that came as rani and making me confuse and now when she accepted she is rani one came disguised  as rani and that person was turned to that mathur he saying he is aadinaag markhat and bani saying she gave him chance and he become markhat bcz of killing markhat mention markhat as a women . last but not the least that mathur mentioning her [ pointing bani] AADINAAGIN. if she is a aadinaagin what is she doing here? Do you all know that she is a aadinaagin? [ turning towards bani] why are you living with us? i know that you know that we are cheels then also u r living with us what is your motive? aren't you the one who is destined to kill me? Are you staying with us to kill me? is this why you are behind me as if you want me to fall for you and you will use it and kill me is it reason to be with us TELL ME DAMN IT

B : Veer... [ teary eyes]

V : What veer Tell me y are you staying here whats your motive? I Know you naag naagins are not worth trust you all are two faced peoples are you behind me to kill me  you just acting like an innocent your this fake tears won't melt my heart You are just following me everywhere everytime and when you got to know that i will not mind you you came up as rani You are a just a A girl who stalks me everytime YOU ARE A STALKER 

M : VEER.... Don't you dare to bad mouth my SISTER  anymore 

V :  What  SISTER she is your sister then y she said she is a maid [turning to bani] how much more you have lied ?

T : She did not lied veer you are the one who just called her maid without knowing anything 

V : Then why didn't she corrected me and why the hell was she keep saying that she is my wife 

Ba : Bcz she is your wife Veer

V : Then why don't i remember it and i don't think i will marry anyone and i don't think i will give up on my bachelor tag for this girl 

Everyone was silent as they don't know how to explain him

V : Why all of you are silent Don't have answer but i know she is here to kill me and i don't understand why are you all standing in support of her

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