Too Close?

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Marinette's Point of View:

I walked down the halls and seen tons of couples together. It's Pride month, and I still can't make Kagami mine? I've got to do something about this.

"Hey Marinette, what's wrong?" Chloe asked.

I sighed and stared blankly at all of the women loving women and men loving men couples, it made me think about Kagami and how much I wanted to be with her.

"Oh, Chloe. It's just that I really like this girl, but I don't know if she likes me back." I frowned.

"Oh my gosh, a girl? Who is it?" She asked.

"Kagami Tsurugi.." I mumbled.

"You'll get together eventually, you two were meant for each other. There has always been chemistry between you two." She said while sounding excited. "Just talk to her." She smiled.

"I dunno, I guess.." I hesitated.

When school ended I walked up to Kagami and we engaged in conversation for a bit.

"Wanna go on a walk with me?" She asked.

"Sure." I blushed a light pink.

She grabbed my hand and I made sure to hold onto her tightly, this was my first time doing anything like this before. I was a mess for this woman.

She started walking me to her house, which would be the first time I'd been there. We continued walking until we got to her house, once we got there she walked me up to her room.

She pulled the hair ties out of my hair and started straddling me, I was like a beat at this point.

"Your hair is beautiful when it's down.." She said while running her fingers through my hair.

"I-I-I uhhh." I blushed. "W-Wow Kagami.." I ogled at her.

I was about to kiss her but I worried that she wouldn't feel the same then all of a sudden she got off my lap.

I was beyond upset and I started acting cold towards her. I felt like I was being toyed with, like she knew that I liked her and she was using that for her own amusement.

I sat looking out the window of Kagami's room after that awkward moment with her. I was just trying to avoid any possible eye contact but I couldn't when Kagami forced me to face her.

I tried my best to avoid eye contact even though I was facing her but she was so beautiful.

"You're not just a friend to ME." { Kagaminette } ✔️Where stories live. Discover now