Chapter 19

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It worked. It actually worked.

Giyuu and Tanjiro had finally discovered the hidden trapdoor. Zenitsu and Nezuko had been left alone together in their camp for their safety (much to the dismay of Tanjiro), so as of now, they only had each other.

"Let's hope these things do what they're made to do." Tanjiro muttered as he brought out a black powder bomb stuffed with powdered wisteria.

"Oh, it'll work." Giyuu said. "I've seen it work."

These bombs were in fact part of Urokodaki's hwatcha mechanism, which Giyuu replicated nicely.

Speaking of Urokodaki...

Giyuu felt a chill wash all over his body. Urokodaki's last student, Akihiro, was probably still alive. With Urokodaki now deceased, he could probably be tracking down his other students.

Giyuu and Tanjiro were no exception.

Despite this, Giyuu moved forward. They were so close to finding Shinobu, and this was no place to stop now.

"Ready!" Tanjiro announced. Giyuu nodded, and stood in front of the trapdoor's opening.


Before Tanjiro could raise his arm, Giyuu put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't forget. Close your heart to their suffering. They'll be much happier soon."

Tanjiro nodded in understanding. With no reason to delay, they both threw their black powder bombs down the dark opening.

The bombs bounced down the stairs for a few seconds before finding flat ground and rolling through the doorway. The surrounding demons barely had any time to react, as the bombs exploded in a big purple mess. The explosions didn't stop though, as tiny shrards of broken off pieces flew through the Pit's corridor. They all exploded in an array of sparks, spreading like fireworks. Soon, the entire corridor of the Pit was engulfed in wisteria.

Giyuu and Tanjiro ran straight past the suffocating demons, heading straight for the door at the end. At the end of the corridor, a single demon was trying to escape.

"I smell gunpowder..." Tanjiro muttered.

The demon grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. In a flash, a huge explosion obliterated the demon's body into ashes, leaving nothing left.

"Well..." Giyuu said. "Looks like they were prepared for us."

Giyuu and Tanjiro jumped through the wreck made by the explosion and stepped into the room. It was quite empty, but a few suspicious wooden panels resided at the far side of the room.

Giyuu reached out for one of the panels, but Tanjiro stopped him.

"Nuh-uh." Tanjiro said. "The other one."

Giyuu nodded and tore down other wooden panel. Through it, he saw a long path with a single door at the end. Tanjiro, with his superior sense of smell, decided to first. Giyuu reluctantly followed.

Tanjiro opened the door and went through.

"Ok, it's safe. Come on thro-"

Tanjiro was cut off as the roof above the door gave away. A huge amount of dirt and soil poured through the roof, separating Tanjiro and Giyuu.

"Are you alright?!" Giyuu said from the other side of the doorway. Tanjiro could barely hear the voice, but it was audible.

"I'm fine!" Tanjiro yelled out. "I think this is a trap room! Find a different path! There's gotta be something-"

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