Chapter 1- The Fall

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"You have no place here. You shall die, you weak goddess. For I, am the true ruler of the whole of Teyvat. Your people shall worship me, instead of a worthless little pretend goddess." the demonic voice said.

The blue gigantic monster creeped to her, as she crawled backwards in fear. As the goddess of Dust, she could not do anything, other than to try and protect her people by the help of other gods. She had to rely on others, and could not fight.

"No! Please do not harm my people! Take me as a sacrifice instead!" She replied, voice trembling in fear. Many thoughts ran through her mind, as she imagind how her people would be, families broken, children crying, death, blood painting the mountain. She shivered at that thought and tried calling for help.

She quickly thought of a person that might help.  Quickly, she stood up and lifted her arms. She concentrated and moved her arms in an infinity-liked symbol, as golden dust started forming. Catching the attention of the blue monster, it charged forward, horn summoning a huge ball of blue colored light, and casted it at the poor goddess. The goddess' eyes widened, as a sharp pain slashed through her heart. Tortue, pain, was what she felt. The goddess collapsed on a field of Glaze Lily as blood starting spilling out.

"HAHAHA. I actually thought you were strong enough to cast a spell to hit me, maybe even kill me. What did you do? Summon golden dust? Are you trying to hold a funeral for yourself? I'll gladly send you off. Now die, your people shall serve me. You are a mere goddess with no power." the blue monster yelled.

Just then, a brunette haired with golden and black clothes appeared. With a spear in his arms, he stretched out his hands, and a pillar formed. He crossed his arms, and stared at the blue eyed monster. The monster looked at the man, and eyes were wide. Was it going to die at this exact moment? What about his dream? Is it all going to waste? Suddenly, a geo meteorite striked down from the sky, turning the blue monster into stone, and finally, collapsing into dust. The brunette man then turned around, looking at the goddess in pain, dying in seconds.

Blood was splattered on the Glaze Lilies, and the goddess started turning into dust slowly. The brunette man then turned wide-eyed, running towards the goddess.

He kneeled down and carried the goddess, holding out his hand to her chest, trying to stop the bleeding.

But she was dying, and it was because of the magic that was taking her soul. It felt like time had stopped, as the two gods and goddesses cried.

"Guizhong, you cannot leave me! This is an order! Please, you are the last person I have, I cannot afford to lose you. I'm sorry, I did not come on time. It's all my fault. " the man choked on his tears and cried.

His dull golden eyes let out tears. His heart was not like stone, he had a soft spot for one particular person. It was her.

"It's not your fault. I'm too weak of a goddess and I cannot protect my people. Please protect them when I am away. I will miss you. I love you." the goddess said, with a soft tone.

Cries filled the field of Glaze Lily, and the goddess turned into golden dust, and disappearing into thin air.

My Archon [ Zhongli x Reader] A short storyWhere stories live. Discover now