Chapter 6- The Happy Ending

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"What's wrong?" I asked the brunette.

He looked petrified, almost as if he recalled something he didn't want to remember. Tears started welling from his eyes as a crystal blue tear rolled down his pink cheeks. He stood there, mouth open, wide eyed, staring at me.

"Nothing, you just remind me of someone I used to love. We have to get to the Palace, your memories are held there." he replied, shaking his head, trying to get out of his thoughts.

"A-Alright. Let's go, H/N [Horse Name]." I said, holding his leash. It neighed, front legs magestically up in the air, and it walked elegantly up the water, water splashes every step he took.

"Giddy-up!" the brunette said. The skele-horse didn't like the brunette much and shook its whole body, trying hard to fling him off. I looked down and saw what happened, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Maximus, don't be rude. Let this gentleman on you and I'll treat you to some icicles later." I said, stretching my palm out facing the skele-horse. Waves of signals were sent to the horse as it obeyed. Neighing happily, understanding the Archon.

Both skele-horses ran to the palace at a high speed, reaching the location in a few seconds.

"Who are you? How dare you interrupt the royal meeting. You shall be sentenced to death, you weak lowly peasant!" a royal official said. Many eyes were looking at both of you, as you hopped off the skele-horse. The horses neighed and walked away, eyes glowing blue-ish as anger filled them. They rushed towards the royal officials and disappeared. They crashed into the palace, flooding the place with water.

"Aagh! My clothes are wet!"

"How did you do that?"

"It's a Vision user!"

Many mumurs were heard, people were whining, shouting, complaining as I yawned right infront of them.

"Actually, I don't own a Vision. I create them." I winked at them as I walked closer to them. Every step I took, water droplets gathered behind me, waves of water forming behind me, as I raised my left hand pointing to my left.

"How could that be? Nobody can create Visions unless you are an Archon-" The king said.

"Help! It's the Hydro Archon!"

"Protect the king!"

Guards swarmed and gathered around us, as I smiled, pleased.

I snapped my finger, and the water that was gathered all stopped building up and crashed all the guards. The water killed them, some were drowning, some died due to the huge amount of power released when I snapped my finger. Blood filled the water, as I cleaned them with a cloth.

"G-get back!"

I walked closer, and closer, and closer. I looked at the side of the king, and a blue and purple coloured orb was beside him. That must be where my memories are held at. I frowned, and clasped my hands together.

"I am the Hydro Archon, Y/N L/N. I am claiming back the land I once owned. Please forgive my sins." I said, closing my eyes.

A huge Hydro Phoenix rose behind my back, as it flapped its wings majestically. It flew into the palace, and chopped of many official's heads. Blood filled the place up. I quickly made use of the opportunity, and took the orb. I touched it, and my memories came flooding back.

"No, help!"

"Guizhong, I'm sorry."

"Die, all of you!"

"I'll show you what it feels like, I'm no longer the weak goddess you thought I was!"

"Hurry up! End this war!"

My memories of my past life and my life after came flooding in. I opened my eyes filled with rage, anger and hatred.

"Time to unleash my true power."

I closed my eyes, and tsunamis came crashing. The tsunami crashed onto many houses, debris filled the place.

Suddenly, a huge meteorite striked down. Everything turned into stone, and they all crumbled into fine dust.

I looked at him, remembering his power. I broke down." Zhongli, I can't hold it in anymore. You were the only god that refused to believe I was weak. I am actually Guizhong."

At that exact moment, memories of his lover flooded his mind. How he used to care for her, play with her, protected her, and laughed with her.

"Guizhong. You actually rebirthed into an Archon? No words can describe what I am feeling now." He said, tears pouring from his eyes. He ran up to me and kissed me.

"So you became the Geo Archon?" I asked, pulling away from the kiss.

"Yes, allow me to officially introduce to you, I have always wanted to do this with you. I am Morax, Former Geo Archon.

The End


Hello everyone! Thank you for all the support, unfortunately, the book ends here. Sorry if it was very rushed, you have the right to criticize me, but I wanted to end it as soon as possible because I wanted to start another story that is better than this one. Thank you for all the support again, we reached 100 views! Goodbye, and I wish all of you the best of luck if you are pulling any characters! Stay safe in this pandemic and I love you!

A/N: I HIT 1K READS. I didn't actually expect this, lol. This book is really cringey so do you guys want me to rewrite? This was my first ever story so it was really cringey but thank you for bearing with me and reaching till the end. Comment down here if you'd like me to rewrite, ty for the support again!!

My Archon [ Zhongli x Reader] A short storyWhere stories live. Discover now