Chapter 2- The rise of the Archon

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It was dark and gloomy. As the death of the Goddess of Dust let others to grief for her death, some were happy.

At the same exact day of the fall of the former goddess, the rise of a new goddess appeared at Teyvat.

A few years later, the young goddess fought in the Archon War. It was said that the goddess had formed high tides, washing away every single one of her enemies.

She drowned them with water filled with toxic, bones, blood and ashes of her previous defeated enemies, and added theirs into her water. She was invincible, stronger than Monstadt's Anemo God, and our Liyue's Geo God.

She fought hard in the Archon War. She caused many deaths. She sent waves of ocean water, created vortexs, sent tsunamis of water charging at gods and goddesses and washed everyone away in a blink of an eye.

Just when she had lost control of herself and almost wiped out the entire universe, the Geo Archon and Anemo Archon worked together to fight back the Goddess.

Then, she was finally defeated. Or so they thought. Many said she fell into a deep slumber, that one day, she would wake up again and destroy the world once more. Some say she had already lost the battle and died.

But at that very moment, a Hydro phoenix flew down, and flapped its enormous gigantic Hydro wings, and washed both Archons away. When the phoenix disappeared, the goddess was nowhere to be found.

It was rumored recently, that the goddess is still alive, and is named the Hydro Archon . Although her statue is nowhere to be found, there were sightings of the h/c haired Archon. "

"Grandpa, so the Hydro Archon is still alive? I hope I can get to be like her one day! " the little boy said, curiosity in his voice.

I walked past the grandfather and grandson, and pushed past others in the bustling city. Liyue was famous for its cheap and good food, so I came here just to try it out. I put on my white blue hood and walked towards a street vendor. I looked at the menu and decided on what to eat.

"What would you like to eat, young lady?" the old lady said to me.

"I'd like an Almond Tofu, and a plate of Jade Parcels please. " I replied.

"Hi, may I have Jueyun Chicken Chilli, Jade Parcels, Almond Tofu, Golden Crab and a Jewelry Soup please, and I'd like them packed."

I heard a familiar voice beside me and turned my head to look at him.

"Wow, you sure have a big appetite handsome man!" the owner said.

"No, no. You've got me wrong. This isn't for me. It is for Hutao, the director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. I'm here to buy food for her." he replied. "The Wansheng Funeral Parlor Director? She has a huge appetite for a lady!" He just nodded in response.

"Alright, miss, that will be 50 Mora please, and sir, that will be 1550 Mora. Please pay."

I gave my Mora to the owner and just as I was about to leave to find a place to eat, the gentleman said, "Oh no, I have no Mora on me..." Feeling generous, I told the owner, "I'll pay for him, 1550 Mora you said? " She nodded. I handed her 2000 Mora and smiled. "That's 2000 Mora, miss! " the old lady said. I walked away and waved my hand. "Keep the change!"

I squeezed myself through the crowded Liyue, as lights and festivals were held. The Summoning Ceremony for Morax was tomorrow, so I hoped to witness it before leaving Liyue to Mondstadt.

At least I could see the Geo Archon before I left this place. Crowded places are really not my favourite.

"If anybody sees a lady with h/c colored hair, please inform the Millieth! The Hydro Archon has to be caught before the whole of Teyvat is gone! Any sightings of the Hydro Archon is helpful in tracking her!" I heard a guard say.

Whooosh. A strong gust of wind blowed past. My hood fell off, and I continued walking, not noticing that it was off. "THERE, THE HYDRO ARCHON IS THERE!" I turned around, and saw many Millieth Guards running after me.

Knowing that I can't escape, I raised my hands and lifted my hands as a swirl of strong pure water flooded the floor. The water leaved the trembling guards terrified, as they struggled to keep themselves still as the water washed them away. I effortlessly swirled my hand and everything went back into place as the water disappeared.

I jumped up high into the air, as the moonlight covered my silhouette. I landed on a roof and jumped higher. My h/c hair flowed in the air as I jumped away. Everyone's jaws were wide open in surprisement, as some clapped in amazement. As I disappeared into the night, a blue Hydro phoenix rose up into the air and water splattered all of Liyue.

Zhongli's POV

After I took the director's food, I walked towards the funeral parlor. As I looked down on the ground, I saw water. There were hundreds of Millieth soldiers struggling in the water, and I looked up and saw a  h/c haired girl. She looks like... Guizhong? No.. Impossible.. Guizhong is already long gone... "It's the Hydro Archon!" "She's amazing!!"  "Wow!" "She's actually beautiful!" was what I heard from the crowd. With one swirl of her hand, the water disappeared. I looked up at her silhouette as she disappeared into the dark sky. She was the girl who paid for me! Wow, so she didn't die after all those years.. Huh..?


Hii! This is the hanfu you guys were wearing by the way.

Hii! This is the hanfu you guys were wearing by the way

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Small Update:

Hihi, so sorry I didn't know this was called a hanfu  my apologies if I offended anyone^^

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