Chapter 4- Home...?

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He nodded in response.


After Y/N was supposedly "dead" but she was actually in a coma, she had lost her memories. All she had known about herself was that she could control water, the Geo and Anemo Archon (she can't remember their faces) and that she was the Hydro Archon.

She had then later found out about a few bits and pieces of her history. She had never really thought that she would have a home.

Everyday, she would go to the mountain filled with bamboos beside the sea for shelter and to settle down and rest.

That place was special to her, because it had held many memories like the first day she woke up after her coma, finding out about her powers, etc.

But a home where she would never have to worry about her safety, where she could interact with others without them hating her?

"Aha, apologies. You must have gotten the wrong idea. This.. uh.. place isn't my home.." I said, confused.

"This place is your home, the sea. Only the rightful owner of this place is able to unlock the seal to enter the realm of Eclazia, and the rightful owner is you, Hydro Archon." he replied, while turning his head to look at the sea.

"H-How do you know about this? Could you be... the Geo Archon..?" Y/N asked, shocked that she held the power to unlock the seal to unlock a whole new realm.

"You have not unlocked your full power, once you unlock your memories, your true potential will reveal itself. If you can control and withstand your power, you will be forgiven by Teyvat's god, Elipse and freed from your sins." he said, ignoring her question.


I slowly walked over to the sea. A nostalgic feeling of deja vu washed over me. I remembered this happening before, I've done this. Suddenly, the waters backed away, and stairs apoeared.

Behind me was the brunette, walking behind me. My shoes touched the floor, and the stairs felt like water, but with a stairs shape.

We didn't fall down, and we could just climb it like ordinary stairs. As we walked down the stairs, I looked beside me and saw that the water was crystal clear, and I could see many different species of aquatic animals.

It wasn't bright and colorful, it was dark, gloomy and it gave off a bad vibe. I kept dazing at the water and did not notice that there was still steps, so I slipped and fell.

I shut my eyes tight, ready to fall down. Instead, I felt a pair of strong hands grasp onto me. I looked up to see the brunette holding me. I immediately felt my cheeks go red.

"U-Um thanks..." I said, as I quickly stood up and dusted myself. He nodded in response.

The walk to Eclazia was awkward, and the air was thick. "Are we almost there yet?" I whined, breaking the silence.

"Soon." he replied, not looking at me.

Sure enough we were there. We were greeted by two ladies, shocked to see us.

Author's POV

"H-Huh, how did you get in..? I thought the seal hasn't been broken for at least a thousand years? Only the Hydro Archon was able to get in! Unless..?" they said, eyes wide open of shock.

They covered their mouths in shock. They immediately took out a button to signal that guests had arrived.

"Yes, I am the Hydro Archon."

My Archon [ Zhongli x Reader] A short storyWhere stories live. Discover now