Chapter 3- Run away

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As I jumped into the air, I saw the brunette looking at me. Looking at him here, he looks familiar. It feels like I have seen him somewhere... I quickly gathered myself as I heard the Millieth soldiers shout and yell at me trying to ask me to get down. I hopped onto one of the roofs and fleed away.

I concentrated and closed my eyes and thought of a Hydro Eagle. As I opened my eyes, my e/c orbs turned into a shade of neon blue as I heard water splashing. I turned around and saw a trail of water. I looked up and saw the Hydro Eagle that I had imagined. It bowed down as a signal for me to get on and flapped its wings magestically. The moonlight reflecting its body made the night scenery even beautiful from the sky.

"Thank you, to Wuwang Hill please." I said to the Eagle. It turned around and nodded. As I looked down, I saw a few Millieth Guards shouting and plunging their spears up into the air, trying to hit me. The eagle quickly dodged, as I flicked my hand.

A wave of water washed the guards away , instantly making them unconcious as I looked away, not bothered by them. "These pesky little guards, why can't they just leave me alone? I'm not that bad as I seem..." I thought to myself, as a tear rolled down my cheek. It felt as if I was unable to interact with others, or even look at them in the eye.

In their eyes, I'm just an unworthy Archon that is going to end the world. But even after years1, they still can't leave me alone.

Suddenly, I heard leaves rustling. It pulled my attention back into reality. I saw a bush moving. My eagle lowered me onto ground and disappeared into water particles. I looked around, unaware of my surroundings.

"CHARGE!!! ATTACK HER!! GET HER HEAD NO MATTER WHAT!!" A large amount of guards yelled, spears and daggers pointing towards me. I frowned and held out my hand, and was just about to cast huge waves of toxic to kill them, but I was stopped by someone.

"Follow me if you'd like to survive
" a voice said. I looked up and saw the brunette that I had saw earlier.

"W-What are you-" I was cut off by him grabbing my wrists, and running towards the woods. His figure was tall, and compaeed to him, I was as small as an ant.

We hid behind a tree as a Millieth Commander yelled, " Find them at all costs! You can kill the man, but give me the woman! I want to have some fun with her before I give her to the government." He giggled, dirty thoughts running through his mind.

"She's cute, fragile and pretty, she's my type!"

"No! She'll be mine! I want her all for myself."

"Her fair skin, her blush, her hair, her chest, I want every inch of her!"

I shivered at their thoughts as the brunette held me close to him. He frowned, and carried me bridal style. He closed his eyes.

"Closs your eyes." he said. For some reason, I felt like I could trust him. And so I did.

I heard loud banging noises. I opened my eyes and looked at the surroundings. It was bright, fun, safe, and happy. We were at the... beach..?

"Where are we?" I questioned the brunette.

"We are at your home."

My Archon [ Zhongli x Reader] A short storyWhere stories live. Discover now