Chapter 5- Conquer the sea

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"I..Impossible... The Hydro Archon is already long gone.. S-she can't be alive! YOU IMPOSTER!" A lady said, trying to buy time.

I looked at them, unamused. If I am not the Hydro Archon, how was I able to enter a realm that has been locked for thousands of years? Who hired these people..

"It is said that the real Hydro Archon and the true ruler of Equestria has the ability to create water waves, creating devastating effects. If you do not believe her, she can make this whole realm fall and get crushed into debris. After all, she was the person who created this realm. She has the power to destroy it. " The brunette said. I stared at them dead in the eye. I felt a cooling but burning sensation on my eyes, they were filled with anger.

Author's POV

"Y-your eyes.. They're turquoise..! They were e/c just now.. Nobody has had the power to do that since.."

The brunette grew fustrated. He raised his arm, and took the crystal hairpin out of the Hydro Archon.

Whoosh. Water started circling around the Hydro Archon, as her h/c hair drifted in the air. (Let's just pretend that there's air😉) Seashells appeared around her, as a powerful aura was around her.

"H-Help! Hurry up!!" Both ladies said.

"BANG!" the big gate crashed. Hundreds of thousands of guards swarmed around the gate. Some were holding spears, some were holding bows, and some were holding sharp long swords.

"This is Equestria, realm of the sea! You will be arrested for intruding the realm! State your name and buisness, and how you got in!" A man wearing full gold armor said. He was riding a sea horse, and looked like the commander of the army.

"H-Help! I-Its the H-Hydro Archon!" the lady said.

Everyone gasped, mumurs were heard, people were shocked, scared, angry, terrified.

"MEN, ATTACK!" the commander yelled, raising a long, sharp steel sword with a golden blue base.



I frowned. I got into position, and concentrated. My arms were in an X position, as water started forming on my hands.

"Kyahhh!" I yelled.

Water was spiraling across the whole realm. I looked at the guards that were all shocked, terrified, scared. I frowned and swished my hands. The water crashed onto them, many falling down, some injured, most dead.

A screech was heard. Behind me, a water phoenix appeared. It flapped its wings, and huge waves of water sent men flying across the realm. I closed my eyes.

"ROAAAARRR" a roar was heard from the sky. Everybody looked up. A huge Hydro dragon flew across the whole realm. It was around 300m long, and it spiraled around the sky. I opened my eyes, and my eyes turned into a purple-blue ish color. I looked up at the sky, as my eyebrows furrowed.

Suddenly, the dragon charged straight towards the men wiping out 3 quarters of the army.

"Hmm, it's been so long since I've used my skills, how about I test them out today? " the brunette said. He closed his eyes and crossed his arms. A meteorite was sent straight towards the left over people, crashing down at them. They turned into stone.

I don't know where I've seen this. It feels so familiar. It seems as if I have seen it before, such extraordinary power, not any regular vision user could do that.. As I suspected..

The stone statues crumbled into fine dust. I looked at him in amusement.

"Well that wasn't a friendly approach.. Next stop, the castle. We need to get there quick. Unfortunately, I do not have Mora on me. I don't think we can rent a seahorse here to bring us there." the brunette said.

I smiled at him, and lifted my hands. I dragged my hands apart from each other, and a flute appeared. I blew into it, creating a melody. [The melody is Guizhong's Lullaby. Refer to the video above if you don't know what song it is.] Two Hydro skele-horses appeared, running down from the sky elegantly. I got onto one. I looked down and saw the brunette wide-eyed.

My Archon [ Zhongli x Reader] A short storyWhere stories live. Discover now