Chapter 13

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The next day I wake up in the cave near Skip who's already awake. I must have fallen asleep in his arms last night and he carried me in. I sit up and look around. Blaze and Blaire aren't in here so they must be doing something outside. Skip is mending the fire. "Morning sleepy," He says looking over at me with a smile.

I blush a little and say "Hi,"

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. Isn't fire bad for you?"

"Well it's not the healthiest thing for me but you were shivering and Blaze was gone so I had no choice."

"Oh, thank you but I'm fine now so you can stop."

"Okay.." He gets up and backs away from the fire "Did Blaze tell you?" Oh god. The subject I've been scared to talk about.


There's silence for a bit then he says "It's true.. I really like you."

"..uh... I um.. like you a lot as well." My face turns completely red so i look away. This is soo awkward.

"Really? I thought this was gonna be one sided. I'm so glad you like me back." He walks over and sits next to me. "Wanna be my girlfriend?" Oh geez. He's so hot. How could I say no.

"Yes!" I then rap my arms around him and he does the same.

"Awweeee! I knew it! You're so cute together!" Ivory walks in

"Shush." I say blushing more and pulling away.

Blaze walks in and says "Little love birds. What did I miss?"

"Absolutely noth-"

I'm cut off by Skip who then says "She's my girlfriend now." He has a cute smile on his face and pulls me close to him with his hand around my waist.

Ivory starts jumping around and says "Awwwwwweeeeeeee! Adorbs!"

Blaze walks over to Skip and whispers something in his ear. "I don't see how you'd succeed in doing that but I have no intention to do that." Skip replys. Oh my, what did she say.

I stand up and head towards the entrance, taking Skip with me. "We're going for a walk." I say and go outside.

"Where are we going?" Skip asks.

"Anywhere but in there. I don't like people watching me and they were watching me like hawks." He doesn't respond but when I look over at him he's wide eyed staring at me. I cover my face with my hands "Stooppp!"

"Haha. Taking me with you wasn't such a bright idea if that's why you left." I put my hands down from my face.

When I look over to my left, I see someone jump down from the trees to behind the bushes. "Who's there?" I say and I see a girl stand up.

"I'm Sprite." She says. She has bright blond hair and has dark brown eyes that are glarring at me. Her skin is tanned to a light brown. "You're air and water right?"

"Uh, yeah. How do you know?" This girl gives me the creeps. All she's doing is glaring at us.

"I've been watching you since you first got here. I would have talken to you guys earlier but you all seem annoying. Even for non humans."

"Welp. Why are you here?" Skip says

"Same as all of you. I have powers." Me and Skip look at each other confused then look back at Sprite.

"I thought there were only 4 elements." I say to Sprite.

"Those are only the main ones genius. There's also Electricity, Freezing and ect."

"Oh. I never thought of that before. I guess you're right tho."

"I'm Electricity."

I think for a moment to what happened 2 nights ago. "Are you the one who shocked me in that storm?"

"You bet I did. You intruded my storm so I had no choice. I gotta say it was quite fun." She smiles an evil grin. "So I guess I'm staying with you guys now since everyone with powers thus far is with you."

"You can stay as long as you don't hurt any of us." Skip says looking a bit mad because of what she did.

"Eh, as long as you people don't annoy me then fine." She gives a little shrug and starts walking towards the cave. We follow behind closely making sure she doesn't get into trouble.

When we get there she goes straight into the cave. Ivory and Blaze look at us like 'who the hell is she'. "I'm Sprite. Thanks for asking. I'll be staying here with you guys." Sprite takes a seat at the right side of the cave with her hands behind her head. "So what's your guys names."

"The fire girl is Blaze, earth girl is Ivory, water boy is Skip, and I'm Blaire." I say this pointing in each of their directions when I say their name. "And Blaze and Ivory, this is Sprite. Her power is Electricity."

Blaze stands up from where she was sitting on the other side of the cave and heads her way with fists in both hands. "So you're the one who hurt Blaire?"

Sprite makes sparks dance along her fingertips and Blaze immediately stops where she is "Nahahahh, don't get close to me human." She smiles her evil grin. "And to answer your question, I did shock her. Yes." She then gives a proud smile.

Ivory stands up at this "That's nothing to be proud of! Who do you think you are!" Sprite stands up and her whole body starts sparking. She sends a little spark at Ivorys knee. It goes so fast that she couldn't dodge it and and she falls to the ground. "Owww! Why?!"

"Don't talk bad to me human. She invaded my space so I shocked her. If you, or any of your friends talk bad to me again, I will hurt you all."

She storms out (literally) and Ivory says "Why are you letting her stay here?! She's a danger to us all!"

"She's only a danger if you anger her. That can be said with any of us because we all have powers. We're not going to exclude her just because we angered her. Instead lets just not anger her and give her a chance."

Blaze immediatly says "So you're saying that you're forgiving her for shocking you?" I nod "Well I guess me and her can get along. I mean, we're both angered easily and enjoy hurting people." She gives a slightly evil grin at this.

"Oh dear." Skip says. "We really don't need more fighting."

"There won't be none as long as no one makes us mad." She makes her hair flame a bit and walks out, making sure the leaves are out of her hairs way.

Oh no. Them teaming up together would be catastrophic..

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