7. King's orders

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Jungkook frowned walking towards him taking his face into his hands

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Jungkook frowned walking towards him taking his face into his hands.

"If he has forgotten you he's not worthy to cherish his memory like that. I am your king and I have asked you to spend that night with me. It's an order."

Jimin sighed lowering his head.

"If it's an order king Jeon I will follow it," he whispered walking towards the bathroom stopping above the marble tube.

"Take off your clothes," Jungkook stopped behind him, and Jimin's heart was pounding madly because even if Jungkook has seen him so many times right now it felt like stripping in front of a stranger, yet Jimin ignored unbuttoning the shirt, trembling from that inner cold, from freezing for so long, throwing the shirt on the floor, untying the pants, taking them off with the underwear, shoes and socks to make it quicker. He was standing there completely bare watching the bathtub filled with steaming water.

"Wait, don't go in yet, you don't want to get a shock from the temperature change," he felt Jungkook approaching, his man rolled his sleeves up dripping a sponge in the tub then approaching to gently rub it over his cheeks. That warm soft fabric was giving cooling to his frozen bruised body, how Jungkook's gestures were bringing some healing upon his broken heart. He hasn't forgotten how he has been treating his hybrid, at least that, his warm fingers so good, way better than the sponge when Jungkook was washing his body gently warming it up slowly by those delicate actions.

"I think you're ok to enter the bathtub now," he muttered after a while when Jimin was getting completely lost in those affections he has missed so so much.

The fox's head dizzy so Jungkook needed to help him into the bathtub where he sat down finally feeling warm.

"Thank you," he whispered looking up at those doe eyes he loved the most.

Jungkook blushed a bit yet said nothing sitting down on the bathtub's edge to reach for the shampoo and wash his hair. It felt like a dream and for a second Jimin was wondering if he hasn't died in the dungeon and this here was heaven, but it felt too real, Jungkook's so known hands massaging his head, then using the sponge to spill the water off his hair.

"Wow..." muttered Jimin looking at the man.

Jungkook's cheeks still flushed, his hand tangled into Jimin's hair strings playing with them when he suddenly leaned in to catch his lips in his and part them with his tongue.
That kiss so unexpected every cell in Jimin's body finally unfroze, both working hard against their mouths unable to stop for long moments till Jungkook pulled back looking at him.

"The moment I've seen your lips I knew they're heavenly delicious."

Jimin blushed harder, but Jungkook got up from the bathtub's edge.

"Get out and follow me to the bedroom."

Jimin did without a second of hesitation, his body shivering again from cold the moment he left the warm bathtub.

Jungkook was standing in front of the bed taking his shirt and pants off then preparing himself quickly. Jimin has never experienced him like that, always soft and gentle, and passionate.

"Lay down," said Jungkook looking at him so Jimin jumped on the bed falling on the mattress still trembling from cold and all those mixed emotions.

He was about to be taken by his husband, why did it feel as if he was bedding some stranger. Because Jungkook doesn't remember you, he took you as hybrid bed toy, he thought his heartbeat becoming rapid, but Jungkook lifted his hips pressing into him swiftly.

"I hope it hasn't been too far away, the last time you had sex, I like it hard and rough," Jungkook sent him a dominant gaze.

"I will handle," Jimin caressed his palm down his husband's face.

If Jungkook couldn't remember his face or name, maybe he will somehow remember how his body had made him feel.

"I like that you're a tough one," whispered Jungkook moving his hips slamming into him with deep a bit painful thrusts.

You have no idea what I've been through the past few days, thought Jimin pulling him closer by his neck to melt in his lips so Jungkook's hip movements became gentler, more refined, exactly how he liked it. Maybe he should use the knowledge he had about his husband's body to give him a night he won't be able to forget, Jimin's senses in alarm when he  slid his lips down Jungkook's neck to his secret love spot.

"Ah! Damn!" His husband yelled arching his back, but Jimin continued pressing his fox tail in between Jungkook's butts as they enjoyed switching so much.

"What are you! Ah! Naughty little fox!"

"So punish me king Jeon," whispered Jimin pressing his tongue into Jungkook's ear hole, rocking against it, while the man began to ride him so deeply, moaning, cursing, yelling, touching him everywhere, searching for his fox ears to take them into his mouth and spoil deeply. Both swimming in sweat, drowning, falling, lifting above stars taking hours to do nothing but pleasure, climax after climax until Jimin was so exhausted he cuddled into Jungkook wishing to sleep.

"Give me five minutes king Jeon, just five minutes," he whispered.

"And then what?" Jungkook's clear laugh filled the bedroom.

"Then I will go back to the cold dungeon and freeze to death," Jimin yawned.

"Stupid little fox," Jungkook pulled him into a tight hug kissing the top of his head. "You are not going anywhere."

"No?" Jimin opened one eye. "I'm too tired to go one more round, I have been through a lot the past few days."

"So sleep your five minutes is nearly over," Jungkook giggled.


"You little idiot you're not moving an inch from this bed," Jungkook placed his leg over him as if to prevent him from escaping.

Jimin purred cuddling his cheek to Jungkook's chest, he was finally warm, finally safe, finally in his husband's arms where his place was.

I love you so much Jungkook, you can't imagine, he thought kissing his husband's lovely skin wishing for this night to never ever end.

I love you so much Jungkook, you can't imagine, he thought kissing his husband's lovely skin wishing for this night to never ever end

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think about Jungkook making Jimin stay for the night? How will their morning be?

Much <3

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