30. Love is stronger than

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"No," whispered Jimin in his head, he wished to yell, to scream, to stop Jungkook from drinking, but his husband put the cup back on the tray washing his mouth with the sleeve, his eyes falling on the monster queen, her face sliced by a triumphant...

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"No," whispered Jimin in his head, he wished to yell, to scream, to stop Jungkook from drinking, but his husband put the cup back on the tray washing his mouth with the sleeve, his eyes falling on the monster queen, her face sliced by a triumphant smile.

The mieden left the room with her head down disappearing behind another door. Jimin still frozen in horror clinging to the door with his whole fox body.

"So what Deal do you want to make with me little prince?" Valerie walked around Jungkook who was standing there calmly.

"I wanted to propose to do the wedding tonight, why wait another month?" Those words left his mouth so smoothly Jimin felt he might die.

No, he whispered, tears leaving his eyes to roll into the fur.

"I'm delighted," the monster queen laid her hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "What about the raccoon?" She asked bringing Jimin's tiny fox heart to almost leaving his chest.

"What raccoon?" Jungkook lifted his head.

"A hybrid," she whispered her hand traveling down Jungkook's chest.

"All hybrids should be dead," he muttered.

"Will you kill that raccoon hybrid for me as a wedding gift?" Her eyes lit up red. "Bring me his head and tail."

"All your wishes queen are my commands," Jungkook turned taking her palm to bring to his lips and kiss. "You will excuse me now, I have things to take care of before the wedding ceremony later tonight," he bowed.

"Where will the wedding happen, in the dome," she was smiling to herself walking towards the long windows.

"In the throne room, I want to crown you queen right after," Jungkook walked to the door when Jimin scooped deeper into the shadow trembling from pain and fear.

His life was over for real and he will die in the most cruel way, killed by the one he loved the most. Shouldn't he jump into Jungkook's way now to make it quicker, but he had no more strength left to move so he was staying in the same place for long hours until darkness fell.

I need to find Jungkook and let my life end, he thought slowly moving up taking a corridor towards a servant's room to take some used clothes and put on after shifting. Had he just died in the forest after Taehyung had kicked him out, everything was better than facing that fate here. How can't you see that she's a monster, why can you not remember me, his heart was bleeding yet he was taking the way out into the garden to stop in front of his parents' statue.

"Mum, dad, please send me strength and courage," he begged sitting down, he was visible here for anyone who would enter the garden, but he didn't want to run or hide, his life had lost all meaning anyway, so Jimin curled up in front of the memorial awaiting his fate.

The garden was cast into long shadows, the stars out on the sky, time was passing and Jimin wasn't sure if the whole world hasn't forgotten about his existence, his tears had dried as he had no more strength to cry.

The statue of his parents so calm above him so he cuddled to the cold stone carved into the shape of his mother's feet, hoping she will await him on the other side. There was a bang, a door from the palace side was pushed open, Jimin's heartbeat raised in fear, his eyes fell on a tall posture with board shoulders that slowly approached the statue.

I hope he will make it quickly, Jimin thought curling up against the stone shivering terribly, the cold inside him became so severe when Jungkook's was taking in heavy breaths coming near step after step, the sword glinting in the faint night light.

Jungkook stopped in front of him covering the whole world with his huge posture so Jimin covered his face to not to see the doom, but no blade was coming at him, just a warm palm landed on his knee to caress it gently.

"Jimin," Jungkook's voice was soft.

"I'm the raccoon you have to kill king," whispered Jimin lowering his hands to see his husband's sad doe eyes.

"The ceremony is starting, I want you to come there with me," Jungkook stretched his palm out.

"Why?" Asked Jimin, couldn't he do it here in the garden, did he have to kill him in front of everyone and the monster queen. "King, if I could beg you for the last mercy, please kill me here, I'd rather die quietly next to my parents' statue."

Their eyes met Jungkook's becoming extremely serious.

"I want you to come with me to the ceremony," he said emphasizing each word.


"Jimin, I need you to come with me," Jungkook stood up. "Just promise me no matter what happens don't let go off my hand."

Jimin was watching him stunned unable to understand anything, but Jungkook was holding his hand out so he took it gently tangling around his palm when his husband pulled him up towards his warm body hugging deeply.

Jimin's heartbeat a mess as why wasn't he attacked and cut into pieces, instead he felt a kiss along the scar of his missing fox ear.

"Come, just don't let go of my hand," Jungkook's voice raspy as if he was holding back tears when both were slowly walking up the alley into the palace, taking the back door, a long corridor. All servants and guards they were passing looking at them strangely, but Jungkook intertwined their fingers leading Jimin up the main staircase towards the golden door of the throne room.

"Jungkook, if she sees me there," Jimin's heart was pounding.

"Do you trust me," those dark eyes carried bravery and determination.

"With my life," whispered Jimin.

"So come, just stay close and never let go of my hand," Jungkook leaned in to peck his lips as if wishing to give himself strength with that soft gesture then his husband turned pushing the throne room doors open and they were blended by the bright light of the chandeliers, all gazes in the room falling on them.

"So come, just stay close and never let go of my hand," Jungkook leaned in to peck his lips as if wishing to give himself strength with that soft gesture then his husband turned pushing the throne room doors open and they were blended by the brigh...

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Thank you so much for your support and your patience with waiting for updates on this book. Unfortunately I couldn't prepare the chapter earlier. So what do you think about Jungkook's behavior and the promise he has made to the queen? What will happen during the wedding?
Also I need to tell you that the book is coming to the end, there are only 2 more chapters left.

Much <3

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