10. Golden berries

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The evening has fallen and Jungkook was walking around the supply chamber behind the spacious palace kitchens to pick up a few snacks for himself when his gaze lingered on a sack with golden berries, his insides twitching as those were nanny Emera...

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The evening has fallen and Jungkook was walking around the supply chamber behind the spacious palace kitchens to pick up a few snacks for himself when his gaze lingered on a sack with golden berries, his insides twitching as those were nanny Emerald's favorite.

Was it just her or does snow foxes like them a lot, wondered Jungkook reaching for the sack then carrying it to the kitchen to fill a huge bowl with those pine cone like berries. The castle seemed quiet, the way upstairs rather peaceful, but the moment he entered his corridor he noticed Valerie in front of his bedroom door, fortunately dressed up a bit more decently than last night.

"My king," she bowed turning to him so Jungkook sighed walking her way.

"Sparing you the effort, I prefer to sleep alone," said Jungkook dryly.

To his surprise Valerie only chuckled.

"My king, we might have started off a bit wrongly, please give me a chance to fully introduce myself. Would you give me the chance to get to know each other? Let's say, we will have a picnic for breakfast tomorrow on that side meadow on the hill behind the dome. Will you agree?" She sent him an oversweeted smile.

"Sure, let's meet there," muttered Jungkook, as she had been right, soon getting married they should actually get to know each other at last a bit.

"I'm so happy my king," she suddenly hugged him so he was standing there awkwardly waiting until she let go, her gaze falling on the bowl in his hand. "What's that? My king I don't advise you to eat those, they're good for cats or rats, or raccoons, but rather for sure poisonous for humans."

"Goodnight queen Valerie," Jungkook nodded slightly then sprinted to his room slamming the door shut and locking it, his heart beating madly.

Your parents wanted you to marry her, you can't break their promise, he reasoned himself listening in to check if she had left from the corridor, the bowl with berries trembling in his hands.

Long minutes were passing and Jungkook decided it's safe enough to unlock the door and glance outside to see the corridor empty.

I'm the king, why am I hiding in my own palace, he thought walking out to cross the corridor and knock at Jimin's door.

There was no answer so he knocked harder, but nothing was happening and Jungkook became worried so he pressed the door knob glancing inside.
The fox boy was curled up on the bed his body twitching in some shivers and Jungkook tiptoed inside to hear a sniff.

"Jimin hey, what happened?" He sighed walking around the bed sitting down on the mattress placing the bowl of berries next to the boy, that gesture waking up an image in his head. Dim lights in his army tent, a sack of golden berries in his gloved hands... why would he need golden berries? As Valerie has said they were poisonous for humans.

Another sniff sounded so Jungkook tangled his palm in those messy blonde hair caressing over the boy's fluffy fox ear.

"Hey, has someone hurt you or offended you?" Asked Jungkook softly.

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