29. Golden cup

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The horizon was dark, filled with torn clouds and Jimin was so frozen from the inside again pulling Jungkook's cloak tighter over himself while cuddling into his husband who had him seated in front of himself on that horse they had received from k...

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The horizon was dark, filled with torn clouds and Jimin was so frozen from the inside again pulling Jungkook's cloak tighter over himself while cuddling into his husband who had him seated in front of himself on that horse they had received from king Yoongi.

This morning the others had held a quick meeting, whatever they had agreed on Jimin didn't know, as he had slept in, so exhausted after last night, the heavy argument, Jungkook's sudden change to absolutely soft and passionate, how he had been before forgetting him. There was a plan for sure, as the others had stayed behind while it was just them speeding along the steppe closer and closer to their land. What will await them there, the monster queen, death, Jimin didn't have much hope left so he was enjoying this here, being in Jungkook's arms at least for a bit longer. Was it the last time of them hugging each other?

"Jungkook?" Jimin tilted his head a bit so Jungkook pulled the reins to slow the horse down.


Instead of answering Jimin leaned in to connect their lips in a soft peck.

"Nothing, I wanted to feel this one last time," he whispered watching his husband.

"Jimin," Jungkook stopped the horse keeping it in place to suddenly pull the hybrid closer an press into his lips.

The kiss rough, a bit needy, yet the best.

"My lips are yours only, forever, always remember that," Jungkook's gaze was all serious so Jimin nodded scooping back to rest his body against his husband's chest.

Now I can die peacefully, my Jungkook loves me, he thought feeling the horse setting into motion so soon it was again flying over the steppe, but that awful cold inside Jimin returned abruptly.

"The king is back!" The people were giving them way shouting around when they had ridden into the capital to slowly make their way up towards the main palace. Jungkook was holding Jimin even tighter to himself, now that they were here each tiny detail counted and he needed to act quickly to keep his husband safe.

"King, You're finally here," the senator hurried to greet him.

"I'm back. Where is the queen?" Jungkook was trying to ignore the cold shiver, to not to be that scared boy in the lightless forest anymore.

"The queen is furious. Your highness you have left your fiancée in the middle of the engagement ball."

"I came to apologize," Jungkook jumped off the horse then helped Jimin down, the boy looking at him with big questioning eyes. "Can you find magican Taehyung? I want him to stay with Jimin when I will be speaking to the queen."

"Of course your highness," the senator bowed giving a sign to the servants to immediately fulfill the orders.

"What will happen now?" Asked Jimin his palm sweaty when he squeezed Jungkook's hand.

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