Chapter 3 - Stacy's Secret

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"I thought Stacy was Sean's girlfriend."

"Oh well," Zander thought to himself, "it's probably a different Stacy. They do sound similar though..." Zander suddenly heard panting and footsteps from behind him.

"Zander! Are you alright?" They said in between breaths. "Hailey?" The purple haired boy muttered. "Yeah, it's me." The teal haired girl panted, nearly out of breath. "Are you alright, you sound really tired." The pale boy asked. "Yeah, I'm all good! The real question is are you alright?" Zander stood, puzzled. "Yes, why?"

"I saw you run into Luke," she said, calming down, "you fell and it looked like it really hurt." Zander sighed. "I'm fine. Did you see Luke's girlfriend?" Even though the periwinkle eyed boy couldn't see, but he could tell Hailey had a confused look on her face. "His girlfriend? No, sorry." She mumbled. "It's fine." Zander claimed.

It certainly wasn't fine.

"Well, I'm going to class. Cya there!" Hailey exclaimed. "Bye!" Zander replied, continuing to stumble to the bathroom.


"Nobody knows, that's for sure." The teacher said, touching the whiteboard with his left hand. Zander slowly walked into the classroom. "Hello, Wickham," he said calmly. He turned to Hailey. "Austin, I thought you were supposed to help Wickham get from class to class. Why didn't you?" Hailey twirled her hair anxiously, feeling everyone's eyes on her. "W-well, I-" "I got help from someone else." Zander interrupted. Their professor turned back to Zander.

"Well, alright then," he mumbled, "just, don't leave him to walk to class by himself again. I will give you lunchtime detention for this." Hailey softly sighed. "Yes, professor." She mumbled. Zander sat down.

"What are we learning about?" Zander asked. "Blindness, some people think it's some sort of curse or something." The pale boy squirmed his eyes. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "Apparently, some guy got cursed and everyone in his family tree got cursed with blindness until they met their 'true love.'" "And nobody knows the truth?" Zander asked.

"Well, there's other rumours, but we've not learned about those yet. We're also learning about how people still have their eyesight even if they broke up with their soulmate. Like mom and dad." Zander sighed at the information. "Well-" "Austin, Wickham, don't make me call your parents. Please pay attention to the lesson." "Sorry, sir." They said in union. The professor smiled and continued the lesson.

The rest of the period was normal, instead Zander wasn't paying attention at all. He was still thinking about the encounter with Luke and Stacy earlier.

Suddenly, the bell rang.

"Goodbye students! Make sure to do the homework!" The teacher exclaimed over all the noise of the students conversations.

"Hey Hailey." Zander started. Hailey tightened her grip on her step-brother. "Yeah." She asked. Zander sighed.

"Can you talk to Stacy for me?"


"And then, she said she'll call Drew on me!" Milly cackled. Sean laughed quietly, slightly scared. "Y-yeah." He chuckled nervously. "That's great."

"Well," Milly started, changing the conversation, "how's you and Stacy?" Sean blushed. "Y-yeah, we're good." Milly smirked. "Cool."

"Speaking of Stacy, where is she?" Milly asked. Sean shrugged his shoulders. "Probably with her friends or something like that."

Suddenly, the two saw a familiar silhouette running past them.

"Hailey! What're you doing?!" Milly shouted. "I'll tell you guys later! Zander asked me to do something, he's by the fountain!" She exclaimed back. Milly and Sean looked at each other, confused.

"Let's just go to the fountain." Sean said. Milly agreed.

Poor Sean had no idea what Hailey was about to discover...


"Hey! Stacy!" Hailey exclaimed. Stacy turned behind her. "O-oh, Hailey! Hi!" Hailey glared at her. "W-what?" The periwinkle eyed girl asked.

"We need to talk." Hailey said. "Alright then." Stacy muttered.

"You know the way you're Sean's girlfriend?"
"And you love him very much?"
"Hailey, where are you going with this?"
"Would you ever cheat on him?"
"What! Never!"
"So, why did Zander say Luke called you babe?"


"FINE! I'M CHEATING ON HIM, OKAY? JUST DON'T TELL HIM! Please?" Stacy cried. "Okay, on one condition." Hailey smiled. "Anything!" Stacy was desperate.

"You break up with one of them."


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