Chapter 2 - Falling Hard

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"You alright?" Hailey asked, Zander suddenly snapped out of his trance. "Oh, yeah!" He exclaimed. Milly chuckled. "It's only because he owes me." Sean rolled his eyes and took Milly's hand. "We have to go, bye guys!" The step-siblings waved at them as they left.

"You excited?" Hailey questioned her brother. Zander laughed quietly. "Yeah, I love music class!" A cheeky smile spread around Zander's face.

"Good morning guys!" Hailey looked up. Daisy. Her cheeks suddenly shone a bright crimson. "Hey Daisy." Zander's smile grew wider, half because of meeting Daisy, who was quite well-mannered, and half because of the thought of Hailey's bright red face.

"Hey Hailey." Daisy said. Hailey's heart skipped a beat. Zander nudged Hailey's arm. "Say something." He whispered. "I-I uh.." the teal haired girl continued to stutter. "H-hey." She managed to blurt out. Daisy giggled softly and slightly blushed. "Well, I need to go, bye guys!" Zander waved friendly as Hailey stood as still as a statue.

As soon as Daisy was out of sight, Zander started lecturing Hailey. "Why did you not say anything?" He asked her as they continued to walk down the crowded hall. "I don't know, maybe it's because I'm too nervous to! Haven't you ever thought about that?" She sarcastically commented. Zander rolled his periwinkle eyes. "Whatever." He sighed.

"You only don't know what it's like because you haven't found your soulmate!" Hailey wanted to stuff those words right back in her mouth as soon as she said them. Soulmates were a very touchy subject for Zander. The dark haired boy started to tear up. "Zander I'm so-" "It's fine." Zander interrupted. "I need to go to the bathroom."

"But you can't see!" Hailey exclaimed. "I'll be fine." Zander calmly said, feeling around for the wall.

"Go on, I'll meet you in class." He told Hailey. "Alright then." The teal haired girl said, guilty.


Zander groaned as he stumbled while clutching onto the concrete wall. The students all around him were chatting loudly, something which made his head hurt.

"Excuse me!" He called out. "Can anyone help me?" Nobody could hear him over the noise. He sighed and continued walking slowly down the hallway.

He kept on walking. "Stupid soulmates," He mumbled to himself, "I don't need them, they're a waste of time. I mean-" he was suddenly knocked to the ground.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The person exclaimed. They tapped Zander's hand. "Here." The violet haired boy hesitantly took the person's hand. "What's your name? I'm Luke!" Zander's eyes widened. Luke was one of the most popular guys at school. Zander blushed in embarrassment. "Z-Zander. I'm sorry!" He said. "It's fine." Luke told him. A tiny layer of blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Well, uh, it's nice to meet you?" The auburn haired boy claimed, although it did sound a lot like a question rather than a statement.

"Yeah, you too." Zander's face turned even more pink.

There was suddenly an awkward silence between the two, one which was eventually broken by;

"Luke!" Somebody else exclaimed. "Where were you? I was looking everywhere!" Luke tensed. "Oh, sorry babe, I was helping Zander." The person's blood ran cold. "Oh, how nice." She sarcastically commented, slightly nervous.

"Oh, yes! Zander, this is Stacy, my girlfriend." Zander's heart stopped. He felt disappointed that Luke had a girlfriend, but he didn't know why. The second he took his hand he felt a feeling he had never felt before, kind of like nerves, but he also liked the feeling. It was weird.

"Cmon Luke, we need to go." Stacy snarled. Luke awkwardly laughed. "Alright, well, bye Zander! I hope we can talk soon!" It felt like a thousand needles pierced Zander's heart as he said that. "B-bye!" Zander exclaimed, his face heating up as the pair left.

'He's adorable!' Zander smiled to himself. 'Wait, no! I don't like him do I?' The pale skinned boy sighed. He was about to continue his walk when he realised something terrible.

'I thought Stacy was Sean's girlfriend..."


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