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Golden Freddy: I was only 18 years old..
>I loved Springtrap so much, I had all the merchandise and games.

>I love the fear of Springtrap every shift before work and I’m thanking him for the Nights I’ve been given.

>Springtrap is love I say, Springtrap is life
>My Boss overhears me and calls me a BB.
>I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Springtrap

>I called him a mangle.
>He slaps me and sends me to go to the office.
>Im crying now, and my tablet is broken.

>I stay in the office and its really cold
>A warmth is moving towards me.
>I feel something touch me
>It’s Springtrap
>I am so happy

>He whispers into my ear „I’m still here“
>He grabs me with his rusty Animatronic-hands and puts me on my chair
>I’m ready
>I open the door for Springtrap.
>He penetrates my boss’s frontal lobe with bites.
>It’s hard to look, but i do it for Springtrap

>I can hear my boss screaming as my eyes start to water
>I offer Springtrap my frontal lobe
>I want to please Springtrap
>He roars a mighty roar as he turns around to the door

>Mike Schmidt walks in
>Springtrap looks him straight in the eye and says “I remain”
>Springtrap leaves through the sewers
>Springtrap is love, Springtrap is life...

Springtrap: You really need a life.

Golden Freddy:  *sniff* I know..

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