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The bell above the door chimed; the first customer of the day. A young woman looking for a gift for her grandmother. Minho helped her choose between some of the figurines he'd brought in just that morning. She chose a porcelain fairy, smiling from ear to ear.

"She'll love it!" Minho had guessed as much.

Another chime, another customer. A man looking for something sentimental.

"My wife likes classics." Minho showed him their used books. "This one is perfect." An early copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Minho's days weren't usually as busy. He got maybe one person in the morning, a few stragglers by mid-afternoon. The evenings were usually a quiet affair, Minho using that time to read or write or whatever his heart so pleased that day.

This afternoon had been mildly more entertaining, a mother and her daughter perusing the aisles. She squealed when she saw all the dolls. She put up a fuss just so her mother would buy her one. Even after she paid, Minho could tell her mother was fond. It might have been similar to ones she used to play with.

When it came down to lock up shop, Minho chanced one last dusting in before Chan showed up. The man was notoriously late and he wasn't going to be a sitting goose until he decided it was high time to make his appearance.

"You could have been robbed." Chan chastised, spooking Minho- who'd been in the back end of the store.

"As if anyone cared for these old treasures as much as I do."

"Still, the register was left unattended." Minho rolled his eyes, putting away his feather duster and following Chan back toward the front. "You should really lock up if you're still in here. Even with the closed sign up."

"It's fine, you're the only one smart enough to try the door." Chan laughed at least, so Minho figured he wasn't in too much trouble.

Chan was parked across the street and it was only a matter of minutes before they were buckled in and ready to go.

"Thanks for coming, by the way."

"Of course! How could I miss your sister's graduation party?"

The day Chan had dreaded since his sister entered high school had come: her graduation. He was proud, as any brother should be, but he knew it was coming time for her to leave the nest and he was going to miss her dearly. At least, that was what he told Minho relentlessly anytime they went for drinks.

The party was in full swing when they arrived, having started earlier in the day. Just after she'd shed her cap and gown for the school ceremony. Chan gave his sister a hug and Minho gave her his own after.

"So glad you two could make it!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." His words of sincerity were meet with a frustrated huff and the siblings bickered over trivial things until Chan finally acknowledged the few days she had left with them. "I can't believe you chose to go to school back in Seoul. You'll be so far away!"

"Stop acting like I won't just be a flight away."

"Try two with a layover." She laughed at her brother. "You all packed yet? Mom said you were leaving Sunday morning."

"Yeah. I just have to take some of my old stuff down to the donation center."

"Is it a lot? We can help you." Chan offered, pointing not only at himself, but at Minho too.

"Don't go roping me in." Minho scolded, lightly hitting the other man's shoulder.

"I do have some furniture that has to go too... if it's really not a bother, I would love some help."

She smiled and Minho would have agreed anyway.

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now