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Nervous, Minho bounced his leg as they waiter took their order.

"You okay?" Chan asked because of course he did. He was a concerned friend. Minho wasn't usually this antsy, but Jisung made him nervous and he wasn't sure if it was solely out of the fear of him being discovered.

"Perfect. Just have a lot going on." Not a lie, but it felt like one when his problem was only 20 centimeters tall.

"How was the flea market yesterday? I thought you would call to borrow my car."

"Didn't feel like taking furniture yesterday."

"Oh." A pause. "You've just asked me the past few times, I guess I got used to it." He almost sounded disappointed.

Since they'd meet, Chan and Minho had been a packaged deal. Minho had met Chan in college, right after his fight with his parents. They'd wanted a different life for him. Something stable, they repeated. They wanted mundane. Minho had long since promised himself that he would do more. Make something of his life, rather than do as his parents said. He thought moving away would be the answer.

He said he would do one year of college. His parents had agreed, albeit hesitant, but it was permission enough for him to fly halfway across the world. Chan happened to be his roommate then. He got lucky. Not many of the other students would have helped him like Chan did.

Chan spoke decent enough Korean to aid Minho for his one year. Being so far away from home meant Minho had freedom like he hadn't before and he rejoiced in it. He let himself do what he wanted and when sign-ups for the new semester came, he looked the other way.

Since Chan was a year above him, the dorm rule no longer applied to him. He got a place just outside of campus and invited Minho to stay with him until he'd found his footing. Minho was grateful for it.

He worked enough part-time jobs to make Chan worry, but by the end of the second year, he'd made enough money to afford his own shop.

It wasn't that grand when Minho first started out. There was dust everywhere and the backroom was almost all trash. It took him and Chan a week to clear it out, but Minho saw it's potential. Long before Chan did.

His best friend was supportive. However, just like his parents, he told Minho not to get ahead of himself. The shop might thrive. It might not. Minho should be prepared for the worst.

Minho was glad he could prove them wrong. Vintage was in and it meant a lot of people started popping in, be it to take a look or actually buy something, his store was on the rise. He had to sell about half of his stock before he could start making profit, but by then, he'd learned enough to know what people liked. What sold well, what didn't. Because he could afford it now, he got things for himself. Things he hoped would bring a smile to other's faces as it had done to him.

Chan had his own life as much as Minho did. They made time for each other. Sometimes that was inviting Chan to the flea market with him, or asking him to drive to an estate sale. Chan was usually the one inviting him to a meal, other times asking if he wanted to join his family events.

He could see why Chan might be disappointed.

"There's always next time." he offered.


The rest of lunch went a little out of character. Chan was awfully silent and Minho had to make the effort for both of them to keep the conversation flowing.

"Has your Mom been hounding you these day? I noticed at the party how she was asking you about grandchildren again." Chan smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes and he nodded.

"You know how she is. She set me up on a blind date the other day."

"Really? How'd that go?"

"She was nice. She just wasn't what I was looking for." Chan was bisexual, but he had a preference for men. His mother seemed to forget that and usually only ever set him up with women.

"That's too bad." Minho dipped his bulgogi into the spicy sauce. "I'm glad you're getting out there, though. You've been talking about marriage a lot more recently, haven't you. If you're really looking to settle down, you should go on more dates."

"Yeah..." There was that hint of sadness again. Minho wasn't sure why his friend was so upset. Knowing him, he wouldn't talk about it until after his breaking point.

"Hey, I've actually got to go back to the office." Chan said, reading something on his phone. "Brian needs me."

"Oh, sure." Minho didn't mention that Brian doesn't work on the weekends. He let Chan go, watching after him as he paid the bill. He waved one last time before dipping out the door.

"He likes you." Jisung whispered, the top of his head visible from Minho's pocket.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not. I can see it in his eyes."

"Oh? Because you're such a love expert?" The words were out before Minho could eve realize his mistake. "Sorry."

"No. You're right. I don't know the first thing about love." His arm hung out of the pocket. "That's why I've been stuck like this as long as I have."

Minho sighed.

"Here." He handed Jisung a small portion of meat. "Eat up. I know it's your favorite."

They spent another half hour at the restaurant, waiting until Jisung finished what he could before they headed back to the shop.

Minho left the sign on closed, automatically headed for the stairs.

"Where are we going?"

"My studio."

Minho unlocked the door, pushing it open to reveal a dark room. Once the lights were flicked on, Dori let out a meow, jumping down from her spot on the couch. She rubbed up against his legs.

"You have a cat." Jisung pointed out, glancing down at the furry creature twice his size.

"Her name is Dori." Minho leaned down to pet her, the cat meowing in content.

"She'll eat me." Jisung whined suddenly, capturing Dori's attention. She fixated on him, out of wonder Minho assumed. She pawed at Minho's shirt and Jisung squeaked in fear.

"No, no, kitty. Jisung is our friend." She meowed, probably finding it unfair before slinking out of the room. "She's gone." Jisung had gone back to hiding when she'd tried to claw at him. He peeked out, assessing for himself if the cat had really gone. Once he saw the coast was clear, he stood up, half his body leaning out.

"What's that?" Minho looked over to where he was pointing.

:"It's the island of misfit toys." he joked, dropping Jisung onto one of the shelves.

They were filled with broken figurines and chipped mugs. A lot of the stuff were things he didn't think would sell well. Jisung copied their poses, joyous as he explored Minho's knicknacks.

After a while, they moved to the kitchen table. Jisung was hungry again and Minho had some numbers to crunch.


"For what?"

"For not freaking out. I'll excuse the hitting me with a broomstick fiasco." Minho let out a hearty laugh, startling even himself.

"Not my proudest moment." he admitted. "You're welcome, by the way. Having you around isn't so bad."

The look on Jisung's face did something to his heart.

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now