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Minho ended up spending the night, waking the next morning to a more than eager Chan ready to help his little sister out.

"I swear you're obsessed."

"I'm a doting older brother." Minho thought he was giving himself more credit than he deserved.

Most of Hannah's room was already in boxes, save for the bed frame and desk setup up she'd left untouched. There was also a dollhouse in the corner, covered in a dark layer of dust that was almost alarming.

"Why does your sister keep this if she doesn't use it." Minho asked, running his finger over the grime. He was glad he was wearing gloves.

"She used to say she would hand it down to her own daughter, but I think she mentioned donating it this morning."

When Minho had a chance to better look it over, he was surprised by how nice the dollhouse actually was. It appeared to be handmade, a craftsman putting an immense amount of time and effort into something so beautiful.

It reminded Minho a lot of those old Victorian houses he saw on TV.

Finely carved windows and a functioning door. Minho was in awe.

"You have that look on your face." Chan told him later, after Minho had helped him dismantle the desk.

"What look?"

"The look you get when you're at auctions. When something catches your attention." Chan nodded to the dollhouse. "You can take it, if you want. Maybe someone else will get some good use out of it."

"Are you sure? Shouldn't we ask Hannah about it first?"

"Nah, it's cool. She won't mind, I promise."

Minho was still skeptical, but Chan had already carried the thing to his car.

"She won't even miss it." he assured, closing the trunk with finality.

They dropped of the things Hannah no longer needed at the donation center. They were thanked before they made the trip back to the shop.

"Stop worrying so much." Chan told Minho, placing the dollhouse on one of the empty tables in the back. "If it helps you sleep at night, I'll ask Hannah when I get back and text you if she changed her mind." That at least eased him enough to let Chan leave, the closed sign turning to open.

"I'll hear from you by tonight?"

"I promise!"

Since the shop opened so late, most of his regulars assumed he wouldn't be in, allowing more time for Minho to appraise the dollhouse.

It really was a thing to behold, with it's well constructed staircase and handcrafted furniture. Picturesque, something of great value if Minho chose to sell it.

Yet, he felt it hard to part ways with it, and it was unclear as to why. He didn't have much of a need for a dollhouse. He was a very single, gay man with no family in the works. It just seemed like an odd thing to keep for his own personal use. He presumed the artistry just captivated him that much, maybe he'd give a few days, for it's charm to wear off. Then, he'd bring it out to the front.

For now, he settled for covering it with a sheet, to protect it from anymore dust.

Dusk came quicker than Minho had realized, looking out only because the customer who'd just left waved goodbye out the door. The sun setting in the distance made him spring into action, going about his inventory and wondering what he'd take to the monthly flea market the next day.

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now