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When the first Saturday of the new month came, Chan pulled up with his car and his boyfriend to a happy surprise.

"Jisung!?" he exclaimed upon seeing the now five foot seven boy on the counter. "You're- You-"

"It's nice to see you too, Chan." Hongjoong was the most surprised. 

"Uh, who's this?"

"Oh right. Hongjoong, I'd like you to meet Jisung, Minho's..."

"Husband." Jisung supplied.

"You're getting ahead of yourself!" Minho called from the back, where he was grabbing boxes.  He smiled warmly at the pair. "Currently, he's just my boyfriend."

"Oh, well. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I've heard a lot about you."

The four of them got to work, dragging out furniture and other things that Minho planned on selling off that day. After Chan's car was stuffed to the brim, Chan went to shut the trunk.

"Hold it!" Minho hollered, jogging out of the shop with the last item he wanted to sell.

"You're selling the house?" Chan asked, perplexed.

"We don't need it anymore." Jisung went to hold Minho's hand after it was placed in the trunk.

"Is everyone ready?" A chorus of "yes" had Chan driving back onto the road.

It was nice to sit next to Jisung, hand in hand for the first time since they'd met. Jisung's hand wasn't tiny, but it was smaller than Minho's fitting against his nicely. He could cover it whole, like he once could Jisung.

Seeing his side profile now, against the early rays of sun, seemed unreal. Like every moment has since that fateful morning. It was hard to believe Jisung was no longer just 20 centimeters tall. He was a living, breathing person that reached his chin. He came barreling at him for hugs and sat in his lap and weighed more than he used to, but not overbearingly so. He was a welcomed weight, one that Minho held onto in his sleep, limbs tangled so it was hard to tell where one started and the other began. And he loved it that way,

They unloaded the car, Jeongin already making nice with Jisung like Minho had expected. Felix stopped by after the lunch rush, offering some cookies to them all. Hyunjin was a little more shy, Jisung going up to him first and immediately playing up all the pretty jewelry on display. It made Hyunjin smile. Minho too.

He watched, for the first time, as Jisung came alive around those he knew of, but hadn't known of him. It was beautiful to Minho, how easily he fit alongside them and everything just... fell into place in a way he never knew would be possible.

The last hours of the market were upon them and the last thing Minho had yet to sell was the dollhouse.

"There's always next time." Chan reminded, nodding off to where the others were already cleaning up. "Everyone wants to go for dinner. You are coming, right?"

Everyone included Jisung. So, yes he would go. He nodded, sighing as he went to grab the dollhouse.

Just as he went to touch it, another little hand beat him to it.

"Momma, momma! Look how pretty." A little girl chirruped, earning the attention of her mother only a few feet away. When the woman came up beside her daughter, Minho remembered them from the shop a few months ago

"It's lovely, Lana." she told her, bending down to inspect it with her. "Do you wanna ask the nice young man how much it costs?"

The little girl nodded, looking up at Minho.

"Excuse me, sir. How much is the pretty house?" He smiled at her eagerness.

"For you, not a penny." She gasped, eyes wide.

"Oh no, please. We're really interested in buying it." the mother assured.

"And I wish you take it. I can't put a monetary value on this house. It brought me one of the greatest gifts I could have ever imagined." he smiled at Jisung when he looked over. "Please, it's yours so long as you have it."

The little girl gave her mother earnest eyes and the young woman gaped for a moment.

"Yes, well. We'll take it then."

Minho helped them to their car, safely placing the dollhouse in the back. The little girl squealed after it was done, facing forward for the drive home. The young mother thanked him again before revving up the engine.

"Take care of it for me."

Jisung said, coming up next to Minho. The little girl gasped as they drove away.

"You just had to do it, didn't you?"

"What? She won't remember in a few years." Jisung dismissed. Minho rolled his eyes.

"You guys coming?" Chan shouted, grabbing their attention back.

"We're going!"

Minho offered Jisung his hand.

"Shall we?"

"Let's go!"

Jisung dragged him back to where Chan's car was waiting.

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now