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On a bright sunny day, Minho asked Jisung to take a walk. Minho did the walking. Jisung stayed tucked up in his pocket until they reached an area with less people.

"It feels good to be out again."

Jisung stretched under the tree Minho had chosen, walking off briskly after his bones gave a satisfying pop. Minho took to watching him for a while, seeing him blend in with the tall grass and the flowers. He fit right in.

He skipped along, the little ping of his laughter settling Minho as he disappeared amongst the greenery. Minho might have freaked out otherwise.

He'd been on edge the last few days, even a minute Jisung was out of sight.

That might have had something to do with the minor scare they'd gotten when Jisung hadn't been quite as careful in his hiding when a little girl came barreling through the shop.

She'd seen him, yet it hadn't been obvious at first. Her eyes had lingered where Jisung once stood and Minho had thought it safe, striking up conversation with the mother as she led him to where he had his fine china on display. They chatted for a bit longer until he was ringing her up and out the door, the little girl clasping her mother's hand tightly as they left.

He'd called for Jisung and received no answer, panic welling up inside. He ducked down behind the counter to search and found nothing but an empty cubby. He jumped over the counter to search the immediate area, trying to spot the tiny man in case he- for whatever reason- thought it'd be a great idea to play a really unfair game of hide and seek.

He startled when the bell chimed, cringing at his own state. Bent over the large vases, one hand hidden inside.

"Hello again." he greeted, the mother and daughter from before. The mother pushed her little girl forward and she hung her head in shame.

"Go on." the mother encouraged and she pulled her hands from behind her back, Jisung laid out across her palms. Minho gasped.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, offering Jisung back to him. He was laid still, as still as he could being an actual human and Minho snatched him back a little too aggressively. "I won't take things that don't belong to me ever again!" she cried and her mother apologized again before leaving.

Out of the girl's curious eyes, Jisung sat up suddenly.

"That was a close call." he said, falling back with a deep sigh. Minho hadn't thought to move yet.

When he eventually did, be brought Jisung to his chest, the doll shouting at being squished.

"I'm glad you're back with me." he breathed, hardly being able to believe that the little girl could have vastly turned his life upside down had her mom not noticed she'd took something without asking. Jisung fell limp and Minho held him closer.

Jisung hadn't really been skittish following that fiasco, but Minho's eyes tended to linger on the doll more and the doll obviously noticed.

"You're staring." he'd singsong. Minho would jump, not having realized he'd been so far enthralled, chin in hand. Jisung would giggle and if that didn't make his heart soar. "Am I that handsome?"

"Try pretty."

"Oh now you're just teasing." Oh how wrong Jisung was... but Minho could never admit it so he let Jisung think what he did.

Even now, amongst the flowers, Jisung was the prettiest thing he'd ever set his eyes on and that was saying a lot. He'd seen so many pretty things: jewelry, art, tapestries, and so much more. But Jisung outshined them all. With that heart shaped smile and little giggles. Minho was more than enchanted.

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now