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Since having discovered Jisung, Minho had forgotten about Chan's promise. Come Sunday morning, he woke up to single text from Chan.

"Huh?" The words didn't make much sense. He decided to call his friend.

Chan didn't pick up.

He'd try again later.

Downstairs, Jisung waited eagerly for someone who didn't get much sleep.

"In a good mood?"

"It's not everyday I get to bounce ideas off someone. The little girls who wake me just want to play." Minho could forget Jisung wasn't like him.

"Were they at least fun?"

"Oh yeah. They had tons of creativity. I can change on command." He smirked up at Minho. "Wanna see?"

"What you're wearing is fine." Jisung laughed, bright and carefree. "How about Hannah?"


"The little girl before me?" Jisung took a moment to think.

"Ah, Hannah! I remember now. She was fun, yes. She used to take me out with her. I had a space in her unicorn backpack." The doll seemed very fond of her. "I could hear her telling her brother about me, but he never believed her. Most older people don't." Minho saddened at that. "Enough small talk, what do we have for today then?"

"Well I think we should re-asses your theory. What makes you think finding true love will break this spell."

"Isn't it obvious? True love tends to fix everything."

"Well, yes. Maybe in fairytales."

"Life's like a fairytale, don't you think." Jisung put a finger to his chin. "You have the evil stepmother who goes against your father's wishes and bans you from your own home at sixteen. Then there's the evil witch that hands you the poisoned apple. Your first taste of sin." he laughed dryly. "Throw in a damsel in distress and you've got yourself a story."

"Does that make you the damsel in distress?"

"Probably. They're the one's who need saving aren't they?" Minho stayed silent. "Does that prove my case?"


The sign turned to open and the morning rush, or rather lack thereof, gave Minho more time with Jisung.

"If it works like you say it does, shouldn't we be looking for someone to fall in love with you?"

"It's not that simple. I can't exactly expose myself to every Joe Blow in the hopes that they'll take me as I am. It's risky." Minho should have figured as much. "Besides, love takes time. I'm not sure how much I have."

"Well when you were in Hannah's care, how long were you- uh-" He wasn't sure of the right words to use for this situation.

"Awake? Maybe four- five years. After she stopped playing with me, I ceased to exist."

"But I'm not playing with you?"

"Not really, no. But you interact with me. That's enough to keep me here." Minho nodded. "As long as I exist in some space of your mind, I can exist."

"That makes it seem like your a figment of my imagination."

"Maybe I am? Why exactly are you imagining a 20 centimeter man? Hmm?"

"Oh well-" Jisung laughed out loud, saving Minho from anymore embarrassment. Well as much as he could since Minho's cheeks had tinged pink.

"I'm kidding!" He wiped away a tear, he'd laughed that hard. "I am very much real. Other people can see me, which is why I hide."

Rather abruptly, the door swung open, the chime signaling a customer. Jisung scrambled into the space underneath the counter.

"Welcome!" Minho greeted, searching the store for whoever had waltzed in.

"Hey!" they called back. Chan had stopped by. "I missed your call earlier, sorry. I was dropping my sister off." It was already Sunday? Time had flown by with Jisung around.

"No worries. I just wanted to clarify your vague message."

"Oh! Yeah, Hannah was talking nonsense, honestly. That's why she wanted me to ask you if the house was giving you any trouble."

"See, I'm not sure what she means by trouble."

"She wasn't very clear. I would call her, but she's going to be on a nineteen hour flight." Chan waved it off. "Either way, I'm not sure it matters all that much. She still said it was fine you take it."

Minho nodded, prepared to answer back when a small 'achoo' burst through the silence.

"What was that?"

"Achoo!" Minho said, louder and more pronounced to deter Chan from anything suspicious. "It's just me. All the dust, you know. It gets to you." he laughed, uneasy, waiting to see if Chan believed him.

"Sure." He didn't sound all that convinced. "Well, since I'm here, want to go to lunch?" While any other day Minho would have easily agreed, he had Jisung to think about.

"Um... I would, but I have so much to clean today." Chan frowned.

"Are you sure? You normally don't miss out on chance for free food."

"Yes, well... I got a late start today, so I want to make sure I finish everything." He smiled, hoping Chan would take the hint that he didn't want to leave that day. His friend eyed him warily.

"You're sure? I was thinking we could get KBBQ today." That was Minho's favorite. How dare Chan use that against him.


"Yes!" A voice cheered and Minho did his best to cover up.

"Yes! Yep, I- just give me a minute." Chan nodded, telling Minho he'd wait in the car.

Only after the door closed behind him, did Minho spin around. "Are you crazy?!" he hissed.

Jisung came out of his hiding spot, little arms struggling to climb back over. Minho nudged him from the back.

"No. I just love KBBQ."

"So you put me in a tough spot because of your love for meat?"

"What's wrong with it? Your friend is asking us to meal. It's only fair we go along."

"No, he's asking me. Only me. He doesn't know you exist."

"And we can keep it that way. I can just lay low in your pocket. Just feed me your scraps."

"You're not a puppy."

"Woof. Woof." So much for reasoning. Jisung hadn't proved to be that much trouble, but he was starting to think Hannah knew more than she let on.

With some help, Jisung was comfortably nestled in the pocket of Minho's button down. He stood by the entrance, second guessing himself.

"You promise to be discreet?"

"Pinky promise!"

I'll Grow Tall For You - M I N S U N GWhere stories live. Discover now