Chapter 8~

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I realized that I kept confusing which leg was injured, so I have/will go back and fix that. For clarification, it was Zera's right leg.

BTW, please watch the video because omg... XD


As they all piled into the limo that had brought them there, Zera managed to whack her head on the metal bar above the open door. She groaned as she fell into the seat next to Hikaru, and ended up leaning against his left shoulder. He looked a little startled, but quickly covered it with a very mischievous smile. Zera saw the same look on Kaoru's face as on Hikaru's, and quickly sat up as Alyssa took a seat next to her. The twins never got the chance to tease Zera, because Alyssa spoke first. "How is it you still manage to bang your head when you get into a vehicle?"

Zera glared good-naturedly at her best friend. "Shut up." She reached up to gently touch where her skull had hit the solid metal. She pulled her hand back at the small flash of pain.

Alyssa reached up and pulled Zera's head down a little, so Zera was looking at her own lap and Alyssa could see the mark better. "It's already forming a bump. You have to be more careful than that."

"Sorry." Zera laughed a little. "It's nothing I can't handle, though."

Alyssa let go of Zera's head and watched her expression for a moment, noting the tiny hint of sorrow hidden by the vague amusement. Then she smiled brightly, masking her own sadness from the indirect reminder of their shared past. "So, where is our apartment?"

"Akita-Yamagata Small Town Complex." (Akita and Yamagata are real places in Japan... XD)

"Really? That's the complex where I live." Haruhi announced. She was across the aisle from Zera, with Honey on her left across from Hikaru and Mori across from Kaoru. Tamaki was on her right, and Kyoya was on Alyssa's left.

Alyssa and Zera both looked at Haruhi in astonishment, speaking simultaneously. "No way! We're neighbors, then!"

"What number apartment do you live in?" Tamaki asked cheerfully.

Zera gave him a did-you-really-just-ask-that look. "I don't want you guys to know exactly where we live and be able to just come and go as you please. Which I bet you've done to Haruhi."

A glance at Haruhi showed she was nodding regretfully. "I understand that. Let them be, guys."

"But how can we make sure they get home safely if we don't know which apartment they live in?" Tamaki whined.

"Just drop us off at Haruhi's." Zera told them, "It will be less than a block away even if she's on the opposite side of the complex. I can walk that far; I could even if I was much more injured than I am now."

"I can make sure they make it home safely, guys. Just drop the three of us near my apartment." Haruhi told them firmly.

"Alright, then." Kyoya nodded, then spoke to the driver, "Akita-Yamagata Small Town Complex, number 203."

Alyssa cocked her head to the side a little. "Do you ride in limos everywhere? Or do you use actual cars occasionally?"

Kyoya smiled just a little at Alyssa and Zera, leaning slightly as the limo turned right down a side street. "We use whatever we see fit."

Zera raised an eyebrow, trying (and failing) to hide a tiny giggle. "Such as horse-drawn carriages?"

The Hitachiins quickly looked over at Zera, a left turn helping the suddenness of their movement. "Why did you specify carriages?"

I'm Not Worthy (Ouran HSHC) [DISCONTINUED, MAY BE ADOPTED]Where stories live. Discover now