Chapter 6~ Let It Go (Carefully)

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"Host type?" I snort. "We can figure that out later. When am I getting out of this place?"

Kyoya lifts his chin, the light glaring across the lenses of his glasses and hiding his eyes. "The doctors just cleared you. We can leave within the hour, if you want." (AN: I'm no medical expert, but probably no one is released from the hospital the day after they get hit by a car, just saying...)

"Awesome!" I cheer, throwing the covers off of my legs. "Come on guys, let's ditch this joint!"

"I suggest you take it easy. Your leg will still be weak and stiff for a few days, up to a few weeks."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I'll deal with it."

"Zera, stop moving." Alyssa orders all of a sudden. I freeze without question or complaint, though she had yet to offer an explanation. "Males, out!"

They comply, although I hear a slight snicker come from someone. Haruhi hesitantly remains, so I decide to learn why I shouldn't be moving. "Alyssa?"

"You're wearing nothing but a hospital gown. If you had stood up, they'd have seen stuff they shouldn't." I relax, a tiny blush on my cheeks and a small smile on Haruhi's face.

"Oh, you had me scared for a moment there. Hey Haruhi, can you ask one of the nurses for my clothes?" Haruhi nodded, then also left the room.

Alyssa's smile dropped as soon as the door clicked shut, as did mine. "How much do they know about us?"

"I don't think much. Your information records have been pretty well hidden since then, you know that. I'm the only one from home who even knows you're here." She answers solemnly.

"I can't let them find out. It was all my fault, and they'll know that. They'll hate me for what I did."

"It was NOT your fault. I've told you that countless times. It was never your fault."

"It was my fault we were right there when it happened. If it hadn't been for me, we would have been safe. They would have been safe." I told her seriously.

She had no time to protest, as Haruhi walked in the door with a bundle of clothes in her arms. "The nurses said there was too much blood on your jeans to try saving them. They gave you a new pair, but the rest was saved and washed."

"Thanks, Haruhi." I said with the smile back on my face. "I'm going to change, but I don't mind if you stay."

She shrugged, then began helping me out of the bed. I pulled on the pants first, then unhooked the heart monitor and IV from my arm. I carefully pulled off the hospital gown, and replaced it with my T-shirt. I sat back down on the bed to pulled my socks and shoes on, but found I could only barely bend my right leg. The one that took the hard hit. Both times, I couldn't help but sigh mentally.

"Um, don't tell the guys, but I think I need some help." I announced pitifully.

Alyssa tried and failed to hide a tiny smile. Haruhi simply bent down and gently slid a sock on my right foot for me. Alyssa helped her get my shoe on while I pulled on the sock and sneaker for my left foot. I spoke as they finished tying the laces. "Thanks guys."

"Sure. But why don't you want us to tell the guys?" Haruhi asked while fixing the lower hem of my jeans (around my ankles).

"I'm pretty much the only person to whom Zera will admit she needs help, occasionally." Alyssa answered with a slight smirk in my direction. "She doesn't like exposing herself to too many people."

I rolled my eyes at her, but smiling a little. "But I know I can trust you, Haruhi."

I slid off the bed to my unsteady feet. My arms automatically shot out to balance myself, and Alyssa grabbed one to help support my right side. I took a couple uneven steps toward the door, my right leg still as stiff and straight as a board. I sighed in frustration as I glared at my uncooperative knee and ankle. Whenever I moved my right leg forward, I had to swing it slightly outward in an arc so it wouldn't drag on the floor. I heard Alyssa stifle a laugh at my struggles, but decided to let it go.

I'm Not Worthy (Ouran HSHC) [DISCONTINUED, MAY BE ADOPTED]Where stories live. Discover now