Chapter 3~ Hospital Conversations are Great

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AN/ I have no idea if the chapter name is supposed to be sarcastic or not...? :/ Meh.... TO THE STORY!!!!!!

I wake up to an insistant beeping on my left, and a weird tingling on the inside of my left elbow. My entire right leg feels nonexistent, it's so numb, but my hand can still touch it.

Opening my eyes, I can see Alyssa's face hovering over me. Her face is covered in panic and worry, and the room is white. Lifting my head, I can see other figures, but I'm suddenly so light-headed I nearly black out again.

"Where am I?" I ask feebly, scared by how much effort it took to say just a few words.

"You're in a hospital owned by my family. You were hit by a car while crossing the street. Oddly enough, it was one of my family's vehicles that hit you." That voice I hazily recognized as Kyoya.

"Oh my god, I got so scared when there was a screeching noise and you suddenly stopped talking! Then I heard yelling in the background, people saying 'She's losing blood, lots of blood!' Don't you ever do that to me again, you hear!" Alyssa locked me in a deathgrip-hug, tears streaming down her face. I could barely hug her back because I felt so weak. I manage to give her an apologetic smile, though.

"It wasn't on purpose, I promise." I assure her, my strength slowly coming back. "So is my leg broken, or was it just severe bloodloss?"

Alyssa shakes her head. "The doctor said there were no breaks, but your head hit the pavement hard enough to give you a lump for a week or two. There might be a concussion, or even some amnesia. Do you feel alright?"

"My leg feels like a brick and everything takes massive effort, but I don't have any memory loss." I assure her again.

Then I turn to the guys I can see along the left wall. "So why are ALL of you here? It kind of makes sense that Kyoya is here. But what about the rest of you?" I pull off a smirk at them.

"Well, when Kyoya got a call that a girl of your description had been injured, we were concerned." Hikaru explained.

"We tagged along with him to see if it was you." Kaoru finished.

"And we think you should attend Ouran Academy!" Tamaki declared, flourishing his hands as he spoke.

"Wait, wait, wait." Alyssa interrupted quickly. "You guys knew her before the accident?' She looked accusingly at me, silently demanding answers.

"I mentioned on the phone that I had met some guys at the grocery store this morning. It was Kyoya, Tamaki, and the twins." I explain as simply as possible.

"You said you met some hot guys. You never said it was THESE hot guys!" She protested.

"Didn't exactly get the chance to tell you, remember? Anyways, I left that little detail out on purpose just now." I state irritably. The last thing Tamaki needs is an ego boost.

"You called us hot? What...?" The twins seemed baffled by my American commoners' lingo.

"As in you guys are attractive." I explain, starting to blush. "I mean, obviously, since you guys are in the host club and all."

I hear a deep-throated "Hm." to the right side of my hospital bed, behind Alyssa. Rolling my head over to look at them, I recognize Mori, Honey, and Haruhi. I smile wide, forgetting my headache for a moment.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you guys. Mori, Honey, Haruhi." I nod to each, then wink at Alyssa. To the best of my ability, I point at Haruhi. "We know your secret!" I sing out, starting to feel a little better.

Alyssa clarified before anyone thought I'd gone insane. "She means we are aware of her situation of the debt and that she is pretending to be a male host to pay it off. We'd never tell anyone."

They all nod, and no one asked how we knew. Alyssa suddenly realized something.

"Wait a second, you said you wanted Zera to attend Ouran Academy. How would THAT happen?" She asked, knowing we weren't rich.

"Well, we feel kinda bad that she's hurt. So since she said she wanted to attend the Academy, we'll pay for her." Honey explained in his adorable voice.

"That's all well and good, but Zera's not going anywhere without me! Not after what happened a few hours ago!" Alyssa declared, holding onto my arm possesively.

"We hardly know you, though." Kyoya stated blankly. Alyssa snorted, about to say something snarky.

"Then get to know her," I interject. "I'll shun my family for the rest of my life if you want me to, but Alyssa stays with me." I tell them firmly. It'll be easy enough to shun family who aren't here. I grip her arm weakly, but it was enough to get my point across: both or neither, a package deal. (AN: I'm so dramatic...)

Tamaki and the Hitachiin brothers grinned from ear to ear. "Then we'll pay for both of you to attend the Academy!" All three cheered in sync.

I glance at Alyssa, completely ecstatic. A sigh is heard from Kyoya as he pushes his glasses up his nose. "That is, if you can pass the entrance exams."

We girls grin at each other, confident. "No problem!"


The dedication to imwithivan is because she told me the exact idea in the last few paragraphs there. ;) Thanks, girl! :P

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