Scenarios - how they confessed to you

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Midoriya - He accidently confessed while muttering to himself. You overheard him and asked him to hangout the following weekend. He was all over the place, stuttering and not knowing what to say, but he asked you on a second date, so it was successful !!

Bakugou - During his self doubting, you were there to comfort him. He was extremely confused as to why you were always there and told you how much you mess with his head. You thought he meant it badly and started to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist and told you he liked you.

Todoroki - He didn't. You were teasing him about who he had his eyes on, and named everyone in class, once you got to yourself, he stayed quiet. You knew that meant it was you. So you took matters into your own hands. Literally. You held his hand and told him you liked him. Then he asked you to come with him to visit his mother in the hospital.

Kirishima - He was SOOOO straightforward with it. In the middle of class, he just stood up, told you how he felt about you and asked you to be his partner, and of course, you said yes.

Kaminari - Pickup lines, bro.. He told you he liked you through pickup lines... You were confused and had Ashido tell you for him.

Sero - a tape collage. in tape, he wrote out "will you be my love?

Iida - As the very classic man he is, he wrote you a love letter. A really long one at that. You wrote him back, exchanging the feelings, only to get another letter, asking you out.

Uraraka - This mf- It was valentines day, she left a nicely wrapped chocolate box on your desk and watched you read the small letter attached. You jumped out of your seat and gave her a hug, basically returning the feelings.

Tsuyu - You two were always flirting, as jokes, but she felt something for you. So she just asked for it to be official.

Ashido - While taking her dance class, she took favorites. And you were her favorite, of course. She admired everything about you. She asked you to take another dance lesson after the original one, where she asked you on a date to McDonalds...

Jirou - You always hung out in her dorm, so you were surrounded by her music equipment. You saw an open notebook with lyrics in them. But before you could grab it, she took it, explaining she was working on a song. A few days later, she played it for you, then you realized the song was meant for you.

Yaoyorozu - Like the classic gentle-woman she is, she wrote a letter, inviting you to her residence. You, of course, accepted, and when you walked into her room, it was decorated just the way you like it. She was sitting on her bed, waiting for you, and then once you sat next to her, she held your hand and explained how she felt. She started crying, thinking you didn't like her back, but those tears were wiped away and you told her how you felt too.

Shinsou - He brainwashed you into telling him how you really felt. That's all there is to it. When you woke up from his quirk, he told you he knew about your little crush and returned the feelings. His cats think your their owner too.

Aizawa - pov he didn't. LMFAO- you told him you liked him, and since then, he was always near you

Dabi - a love note. He left it on your door, where you'd obviously see it. When you saw him, you attacked him in a hug, and bam bam, you guys were together

Toga - She's really obvious and straight up told you she had a crush on you

Shigaraki - He thought he was going to lose you went on about how nothing goes his way. You told him to explain what he meant, and he told you. After that, he didn't let you go on another dangerous mission

Mineta - He stopped taking interest in other girls and made sure all his attention was on you.

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