the girls as girlfriends

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-loves to hold you
-makes you snacks
-always tells you how much she loves you
-sparing after she trains for endurance training. if she actually hurts you, she doesnt forgive herself
-proud gf moment, she tells everyone you two are dating right after you asked her out

-race contests. she always wins because of her quirk
-she loves swimming with you
-smacks mineta with her tongue if he talks about you or even mentions your name
-brings you drinks at lunch
-she helps you come up with new moves for your quirk

-writes songs for you and sings them only to you
-lets you cut her hair for her
-sleepovers in your dorm since your bed is bigger than hers, she also loves the cute decorations you have in there
-when she cant see you, she facetimes you
-paints your nails black to match her

-she loves pta
-makes super moves, combing your quirks together
-always holding your hand, like, ALWAYS
-takes you on fun dates every other day
-goodnight texts are her favorite because she tells you how much she loves you before you go to sleep

-makes you whatever you want.. new phone, got it
-makes you food all the time
-she started decorating her room the way you like it since your there whenever you dont have school. her parents also loves you
-buys you new clothes and takes you shopping for whatever you want
-you braid her hair when she complains about it

-literally the most supportive gf ever
-very protective over you. if monoma says anything, she kills him :)
-shes really into astrology, and always tooks at your horoscope for today
-made you a playlist of her favorite songs and songs that remind her of you
-shes really competitive when it comes to video games, if she loses she gets upset, but when she wins, she rubs it in your face

-youre the first to see her new "babies"
-she tests out her new support items on you
-doesnt understand relationships and is insecure about that innocent part of her life
-asks if she can hold your hand or hug you. if she does it without asking first, she apologizes
-you give her tips on how to improve her "babies"

mount lady:
-she loves to show you off, like a lot
-she sends you the most cliche love songs
-she likes to slow dance with you
-she makes a big deal of every anniversary you have
-introduces you to her family, threatens them all if they dont like you. since they see how much she loves you, they love you too

-the r rated hero, has a reason for being r rated yk ;3
-doesn't like to go anywhere without you
-gossips like a middle schooler with you
-insists you guys have matching nicknames. she gets really pissy if you call her by her name
-she basically lives with you, everytime she comes over, she brings little by little from her place

ms joke:
-makes joke about getting married
-flirts with you, even though youre together
-shes a really good cook, and cooks every meal for you
-loves to dance with you, even if she cant dance at all
-she loves it when you laugh at her jokes when she doesnt use her quirk on you to make you laugh

-very clingy
-stopped talking to anyone she liked so that you'd trust her more
-youre the only opinion that matters to her
-if you fall asleep without a blanket over you, she lays her cardigan on you
-stalked you, so she knows all your habits

-likes it when you wear her clothes, she makes sure to take a picture of it and show anyone she can
-very proud to say shes your girlfriend
-tells you all her problems in one sitting
-she prioritizes your relationship over being a hero
-she gives you carrots as a snack all the time

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