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I stared up at the porch with foggy eyes one last time before I put my car into reverse. She stood there, arms hugging herself against the pain I had unintentionally inflicted. She didn't let a tear roll down her face while she was kicking me out. But no doubt they were there now.

I lifted my foot off the brake and let the car slowly roll backward down the driveway as my heart breaks more inside my chest. Just as I go to shift into drive a mess of blonde hair runs out onto the porch. I can practically hear her screaming for me as her mother holds her back from running down the steps.

I laid my forehead down on the steering wheel and gripped it tightly with both hands. Why wouldn't she let me explain? I sat up and took a deep breath to pull myself together. While wiping off the few tears that had escaped, I threw the car in drive and pulled away.

Away from my home. 

Away from my kids.

Away from my wife.

As I drove, I thought about the fight we just had. Well, if you can call her screaming at me and me begging her to listen, a fight. 

My buddy Dale is getting married this weekend. His brother is the best man and set up his bachelor party in the penthouse suite of a swanky hotel. Booze, drinking games, and of course strippers. 

I don't remember much, but I remember enough to know there was a brutal game of truth and dare. One of my dares involved getting a lap dance and me grabbing one of the stripper's asses. Apparently there were other moments throughout the night where I got handsy with said stripper. 

Supposedly I passed the fuck out cuddling her too. I can't remember shit. But one of the guys felt it was his duty to inform my wife of my actions and took pictures. Texted each one of them to her last night. I came home hungover expecting to catch hell for being out all night. 

Instead, I got a shoe to the gut, then another to the head. She refused to listen to what I had to say. Refused to tell me who sent her the pictures. Hell, she refused to let me even see the pictures. She already had my shit packed and ready for me.

I pulled into my folk's driveway and let the panic wash over me. I screamed into the empty car and punched my steering wheel a few times. It didn't help. 

This fucking hurt. 

We were high school sweethearts. The perfect love story they wrote books about. Well minus the billionaire part, why is there always a billionaire? I had read a few to her when she was pregnant with our little guy. It soothed her and I was all about making her comfortable. Whoever said the second pregnancy was easier, lied.

We weren't rich by any means but we made things work and the kids didn't go without. I thought we were happy. Apparently not considering how quickly she jumped to get me out of her life. I sat back and thought about that. 

We communicated better than most couples we know. So, why the hell am I sitting in the driveway of my parent's house with bags in my back seat? Was she looking for a reason to leave me this whole time?

I shook my head and sighed. My emotionally beaten ass was just being paranoid.

A knock on the window made me jump. My older brother waved at me and beckoned me out. I sighed wiped my face on my shoulder and climbed out of my car.

Kade took one look at me and shook his head. He reached out and pulled me into a hug and I just broke.

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