Fuck You

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-*- Hunter -*-

"Ugh! seriously," Candace snapped. "Don't believe him, Holly. He said he loved me too."

"God, she never shuts up," I mumbled against Holly's lips making her giggle.

With a sigh, I stood up then turned to face her, "I don't understand why I have to explain this to you, Candy. But yes, at some point I did love you. It's not the same way I love her, it never has been. To be honest somewhere along the way I fell out of love for you."

I could feel the tension in my shoulders begin to tighten. This was dangerous ground and I was on the edge of losing my shit. Given the arena, that probably wasn't a good idea. This woman drives me insane though! How the hell was I so blind to her bullshit all these years.

I wasn't lying when I said I loved her at one point. Once upon a time, is so far away though. If you were to ask me when I started just going through the motions the answer would be surprising. Well, probably not given how things have been the last six years.

I felt Holly stand behind me and smooth a small hand up my back. She kneaded the space in the middle of my shoulders, relieving a bit of the knotted muscle.

"Breathe, handsome," she said softly into my ear.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep calming breath. Once I was more centered, I pressed on.

"Candy, you've been lying to me for years. I found your notebooks from high school. I'm not entirely sure how you managed to get those guys you slept with to keep their traps shut. But, I gotta applaud you for it. Because not a damn one of them said anything to me. Although, I'm pretty sure you're the reason Anthony Marquez is gay now.

"I don't think you understand just how much you've fucked with my head all these years. From faking the pregnancy and miscarriage at the end of senior year. Then practically forcing me to marry you once we found out about Lita."

Candace scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I didn't force you to..."

"I didn't buy that god damn ring, Candy!" I snapped.

A chorus of gasps filled the gallery.

"What are you talking about Hunt?" Christine asked from beside Holly.

I grimaced as I realized I just let my darkest secret spill. Well, I guess if we're laying it all out there for everyone to see might as well rip the band-aid off. I swiveled around to face Holly. Regret filled my veins. I didn't deserve her.

I fell into a pit. Instead of asking for help or advise I allowed myself to be run over because I assumed that was what would be expected of me. My heart hurt at the amount of time I lost with Holly and I'll forever be seeking her forgiveness.

"Stop," she said gently while grabbing my hand. "Don't you EVER apologize for choosing your kids over me."

I tilted my head confused. How the hell did she know I was going to say that?

"I came to the wedding," she answered my silent question. "Candace told me she was pregnant."

With a light tug, I pulled her to me and tucked her into my arms. I dropped a kiss on the top of her head. After all the heartache I caused her, she was still by my side. I owed God a special thank you for bringing her into my life.

"Look we need to get back to the matter at hand," interrupted Craig. "You need to drop the paternity request."

I shot a deathly glare at the man before replying, "I thought you didn't want me around YOUR son."

Holly squeezed me gently to remind me to keep my head. There were other people in this courtroom watching this damn soap opera play out and I didn't need to be the villain. Honestly, if Candace and Craig kept their shit up, they will get public enemy number one etched on their backs.

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