Tequila Makes It Better

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AN: Apparently Wattpads notification settings are wacked. So, if you haven't read the chapter "Change Of Plans" flip back a few pages and check it out
❤- Lana

-*- Holly -*-

"Hey, homewrecker."

I glared at my female best friend as I opened the door wider to let her in.

"It was a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard," laughed Christine.

I rolled my eyes, "you do know all the shit that's being said is just that. Shit."

"Relax sweets," she said gently. "I know. Speaking of, where is Hunter tonight?"

"Kade's house," I answered plopping down on the couch. "Something about poker."

Christine took in the coffee table as she sat down. I had already set up a few bottles of wine and snacks. But it was the shot glasses and tequila that made her raise an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?"

"Why does anything have to be wrong?"

"Holly, you only pull out the shots when there's something wrong," she says. "Is it Hunter?"

"Yes," I said with a sigh. "No, I don't know... maybe?"

"Talk to me," she coaxed.

"I guess it's all of it," I explained. "The stupid rumors, him moving in, that dumb cunt herself. Chris, what am I going to do if she tells him?"

"Um, you tell him everything right back," she snapped. "Candace made your high school life miserable! He deserves to know that!"


The school gym was so covered in balloons and streamers it looked like a circus threw up on it. But I was excited to be here. My first homecoming dance! Christine and I decided to come dateless again. This time she promised not to run off with a boy.

That lasted a whole thirty minutes.

I sighed as I walked around the outer edge room. The music the DJ was spinning had everyone dancing in the middle of the floor. I hummed along as I scanned the area for a friend to hang out with.

"He broke up with her," I heard said behind me.

"What! No! You're kidding," came a response. "Here at the dance?"

"Yup," voice number one said. "Looked right at her and said, 'Candy I need to focus on me right now'."

My ears perked at the name. There was only one girl in school who went by Candy.

"He's outside by the tennis courts last I saw him."

I must have missed some of their conversation because of the noise but it didn't matter. I looked around again to see if I could find Christine to let her know where I was going. After a few seconds, I figured that was pointless and just slipped out the side door of the gym.

I wasn't sure what I was doing or what I was going to say, but he just broke up with his girlfriend. He's probably in need of a friend right now.

I rounded the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. Hunter was at the tennis courts alright. Only he wasn't alone.

Candace was with him.

He had her pressed against the equipment shed. His head was buried in her neck and she was giggling.

I felt my throat close up as she locked eyes with me and smirked. I'm not sure why I expected anything less.

My eyes swelled with tears and I turned around to head back to the gym. Not ten feet behind me stood Ashley and Marie Thomas, Candace's cronies, both wearing similar smirks.

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