The Other Shoe Drops

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-*- Hunter -*-

Waking up with Holly in my arms the last few mornings has been phenomenal. I'd heard buddies in the past talk about sex like it was some life-changing experience. I'd always thought they were crazy because aside from the first time, I'd never felt anything more than simple satisfaction.

Then again, I had only been with one woman and my hand. And the hand had more action in the last few years than the woman. Candace had turned into such a prude when it came to sex. Stating how she didn't like her body after she had Michael. Which was crazy because she was in just as good shape as she was in high school.

I scrubbed my arms up to the elbows in the shop sink quickly. Today was the first day I was getting to see my kids in over two months, and I was so damn excited.

Just needed to make a quick pitstop at my parent's house to pick up their car seats. I needed to make room in my back seat earlier this week to get my stuff from the house. While I was there, I picked up my mail that hadn't been forwarded to Holly's yet.

A large manilla envelope stuck out in the stack. I ripped it open and sighed at its contents before folding it back up and shoving it into my back pocket. That was going to have to wait.

I practically flew to my ex's house and bound up the stairs. There was a fancy car in the driveway, but I didn't think anything of it. She's allowed to move on. Hell, I have.

The shit-eating grin I wore reflected back at me in the glass window of the storm door. There was nothing that made me happier than my babies. Being away from them has been hell.

I paused from knocking when I heard yelling.

"Dammit, Candy, he's my fucking child."

"I know that! But I can't do anything about this! The courts gave him visitation. You said it yourself I can't tell them about Micheal without having my claim thrown out."

That feeling of drowning I had was back as I stumbled down the steps back to my car. I placed my hands down on the hood and hung my head low trying to calm my racing heart. Is this what a heart attack feels like? Because I can't breathe, and I swear my left arm has gone numb.

The cheating didn't bother me so much as the information about my son. After finding out about high school I pretty much assumed she had been stepping out on me. Kind of ironic really when that's exactly why she filed for the divorce, because I supposedly slipped my dick to some stripper.

This has to be some sort of sick joke. Right? Why would any sane person allow for this shit to go on like this for so long? I can't believe I honestly thought I knew this woman. What the hell was she getting out of all of this?

An idea formed in my head. If this was true, it was going to hurt like hades. But I'm about to make this bitch burn. It was about time the "Queen" was knocked off her throne.

I turned around and made my way back to the door. A new determination in my stride. I was halfway there when it swung open and Craig Daniels her lawyer slash boss stepped out. Talk about cliche. The man had to be at least forty-five and he was screwing his secretary. I suppose that explains why she never went back to school and kept that crappy desk job.

"Mr. Harrison," he grunted as he passed me.

I rolled my eyes then flipped him off behind his back and bound up the stairs. I needed to keep my head if this was going to work. First, I needed to see my children. Until proven otherwise, Micheal is mine.

The door whipped open as soon as I stopped knocking and Candace stood there glaring at me. I'm not sure what she was expecting me to do, but I'm positive it wasn't just lifting an eyebrow at her. She scoffed and stomped away from the door leaving it open for me to enter.

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