Marking The Territory

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-*- Hunter -*-

Holly was gone before I got up this morning. I knew what she was doing. Yesterday I was presented with the truth about my ex-wife and it hurt like hell. After I read the notebook I went searching for more.

I now understood what my brother and Christine meant when they said I made Holly cry. I had inadvertently played a hand in Candace's bullying. The thought made bile rise in the back of my throat.

I had no idea what I was going to do with all the new information. If I used it against her would it mean I was stooping to her level? Obviously, none of it would hold up in court because it all happened before we were married.

It did make me wonder if she was still cheating. If all the nights she had to work late were actually work-related or if she was seeing someone. If girl's weekends involved other girls and they hung out or if she was going away with a lover.

I fucking hated the rabbit hole my head had gone down. Holly was right, it's the past. I needed to figure out what I wanted for my future. When she went up to bed, I put away the scotch and let my mind wander.

Every decision of my life after high school had been dictated by someone else. I was manipulated and lied to. It was time for me to make my own choices. Become the person I want to be and not who I need to be to survive. Tell the world exactly what I want.

Honestly, it's the same thing I wanted a long time ago and was sitting in my lap last night. When Holly kissed me then walked away it was freeing. She was letting me decide how things played out.

As soon as I got home tonight, I was letting her know.

"Hey, beautiful, to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence," David said as he turned off the radio.

Great. I rolled my eyes as I loosened the bolt to the oil pan on the car I was working on. Just what I needed to hear, him hit on another poor unfortunate soul.

"I figured I'd bring you guys lunch. I saw that Marcus put up a sign for a sale on oil changes and thought you might be too busy to stop and eat," she replied.

My head pivoted in the direction of her voice just as the bolt came loose and splashed my hand with warm oil. Shit. I shifted and placed the catch pan under the hole to let it drain.

"That's sweet," David said. "Hey, when are you going to let me take you out for a drink?"

Alright, I'd heard enough. It was time to put an end to his bullshit. I pushed out from under the car and jumped to my feet.

"That's not going to happen," Holly answered.

"What? Come on, ain't I your type?"

It took me three strides across the shop to reach them. I cut off Holly by reaching out and grabbing her ass to spin her towards me. The first few times I kissed her I started out slow and sweet. This time I slammed my lips against hers and she immediately responded.

Her breathing hitched as I deepened our kiss. Holly buried her hands in my hair to pull me closer. It took everything in me to not drop the wrench in my other hand and do the same. It was bad enough she was going to have an oil print of my hand on the back of her jeans the rest of the day. She didn't need greasy hair too.

"If you're gonna eat her face, can I have your burger?" Dave asked breaking the trance we had fallen into.

Slowly we pulled away from each other.

"Hey," she whispered still trying to catch her breath.

I smiled in response and gave her a quick kiss. I'm not sure if I'll ever get sick of the feel of her lips against mine. Or the subtle strawberry flavor of her Chapstick.

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