When Will It End?

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-*- Hunter -*-

"This has got to be some sort of sick fucking joke," I snapped at the officer across from me.

"Then how would you explain this?" he asked as he slapped down a picture in front of me and Dale.

It was an eight by ten of Candace. Her face was bruised, and her bottom lip looked to be split open. I honestly thought this fucker was kidding when he told me I was going to be charged with domestic battery.

Candace's father's smug smile when I was being escorted through the bullpen made sense now. I'd never laid a damn hand on that woman. Sure, there were a few times I wanted to wring her neck for something, but I would NEVER hit her. This was stupid.

Dale grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.

"Calm down, keep quiet unless I say otherwise, and let me handle this," he whispered.

I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

"Officer," Dale glanced at the man's name tag, "Sutton. Can we get on with this?"

"Sure," he replies, "As soon as he answers my questions."

"Then maybe you should ask some," Dale deadpans.

I fought a chuckle at the annoyed face the cop was giving Dale.

"We don't take domestic violence lightly around here," he told us.

Dale nodded his head and leaned forward onto the table, "no one said you did. I'm just simply asking you to ask your questions so we can be on our way."

"Fine. Mr. Harrison, did you visit your wife's house today?"

Dale turned to me with a look that told me not to correct him and answer.


"Witnesses say you approached the home in a rage," Officer Sutton began but Dale interrupted.

"If you knew he was there, why did you ask him if he was there?"

"I needed to see if he would lie to me."

I rolled my eyes. This has got to be the dumbest cop ever. It fits though, dumb cop for a dumb situation.

"How long would you say you were there?"

Dale nodded and I answered, "maybe fifteen minutes tops."

"What was the nature of your visit?"

"I was picking up my kids," I said after Dale instructed me to answer.

"At what point did you find it okay to strike your wife?"

Dale held up his hand to stop me from reacting.

"Why are you insisting he hit Mrs. Harrison?" Dale asked.

"Well, 'cause she told us he did."

I closed my eyes and tightened my jaw to keep myself from reacting. Candace has officially hit a new low. What kind of person accuses an innocent human being of something like this? I can't help but wonder where I went wrong. What the hell I'd done to her to make her pull some shit like this.

As far as I knew I had done everything right by her. Now she was making false accusations to the police about me hitting her. Isn't that illegal?

"Do you have any actual evidence that my client hit Mrs. Harrison?" Dale asked.

"Well," he hesitated, "no. But..."

"Then we're done here," Dale stood up and motioned for me to follow.

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