Chapter 36

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Armin POV

With horror written in his face, Armin watched the transformation of his best friend. The feathers of those wings were as black as those of a raven but moved so gracefully that Armin couldn't tear his eyes away.

For a while they were wrapped around Eren's whole body, protecting him from the terrified soldiers. But then a boneshaking groan filled the room, it's echo sending shivers down Armin's spine.

The wings moved. They unfurled, slowly and although they must be from enormous weight, the feathers looked as light as air itself.

"Retreat! Retreat!", the general's screamed and tore Armin out of his trance-like state. He hurried over to Sasha and Connie and pushed them out of the soldier's way, telling them to go and hide in the kitchens. Both of them protested against it but Armin was for once having none of that.

He ushered them out of the room and spun around to watch Eren, who had been kneeling on the ground. The prince was rising steadily and at first his eyes were hidden by the dark strands of his hair.

Armin wanted to reach out, wanted to grab his friend and get him out of here.

- - -

"Stay safe." Armin looked up from the documents in his hands that he had been sorting into the shelves of the library. Eren smiled down from him, sadness and remorse tugging at the corners of his mouth.


"You and Mikasa. You need to stay safe.", Eren repeated, leaning against the bookshelf with crossed arms, his hair tied back. "Whatever happens tonight – you need to stay out of it."

"But what if you're in danger?" Armin chewed on his lower lip. His friend's words called up the worry he had been ready to bury when they had talked about the plan. "We came with you to help you, Eren. We left the others so we-"

"You came with me because you are my family.", Eren said harshly with determination burning in his eyes. "Those five months in the forest..." He swallowed and closed his eyes shut. "All this has to be worth it. We have lost enough along the way. The others won't forgive us."

Armin listened to Eren's speech.

Guilt and self-hate played a major role in Eren's restlessness. In his decision to win this battle no matter what. Armin caressed the back of the book he was holding in his hands, sighing in defeat.

Two hands grabbed his shoulders and forced him to face the prince with his blond wig and those brown contacts.

"Armin, you have to promise it.", he hissed. His eyes were trained on Armin's. "I need you to promise me that you'll stay safe. No matter what I do or what happens."

Swallowing Armin nodded, cold fear getting it's grip on him once more.

He should have known back then that Eren had something different in mind.

- - -

"Stay safe...", he mumbled and clenched his fists. "You could have told us..."

Chaos had the upper hand in the room and Armin looked over to the king to catch his reaction to the events in the room.

His eyes widened at the sight he was greeted with.

Grisha was smiling.

With wide eyes, back upright and an insane grin on his face. And suddenly he opened his mouth and laughed. He laughed loudly, staring at Eren and the gorgeous wings that reminded Armin of Raes and his own feathers.

And with terror floodinghis veins, Armin realized the truly disturbing thing about the scene – the lackof surprise in the crazy expression of the king. 

(Still not completely over the writing blockade but here we are - with a new chapter!

Eren apparently knew that something would happen. That he wouldn't stick to their plan. Would you be angry at Eren or understanding?

And what about Grisha? What does he know? Just what is happening to Eren?

And for the german talkin' folks:

I had to delete my original book 'Running from you' because of technical errors. The first chapters have now been reuploaded and I hope everything works out now. 

Maybe check it out! It's under the name of 'Rette mich!' )

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