Chapter 99

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Eren POV – two days later

Mikasa kept sharing concerned glances with Armin who was in a slightly better mood even if the grey color of his skin hadn't completely faded yet. Other than that all three of them were quiet.

They sat in a circle on Armin's bed, legs crossed and hands intertwined. It comforted them in the prospect of what was to happen. In their middle was a simple letter. A piece of parchment with a single word written out on it in beautiful handwriting.


Outside another afternoon passed by. It had been a peaceful day with each of them doing their assigned work. Scrubbing. Washing. Cooking. And when Eren had come back to his room, the note had already been waiting for him. The long awaited call for action.

He swallowed down the nervousness that took over his heart and clenched his fingers around Mikasa's hand. Armin hat lit a candle in the background. Outside they heard the rustling and chatting of the other servants.

"Tonight.", Eren said out loud, startling his best friends. His family. "This is for my mother. This is for your grandfather. This is for all of the people we have lost to my father."

It was a promise. One long overdue.

All of them were lost in their own thoughts, their eyes dim like the ocean at night. Eren relived the battle of Shiganshina. Smelled the smoke. Heard the screams and shouts. Saw his mother's corpse in front of his inner eye. Felt her in his arms. Remembered her words.

"The one thing I ask of you in a time of war and destruction is that you fight. Never give up when you know there is a chance for you to win. Show the world that they may have lost a prince and a female warrior but let them look at the greatness they have damned and banned and cursed."

He rose from the bed and Mikasa's eyes followed him sadly. She was worried about him and watched him adjusting his blond wig.

"It is time."

Both of them trained their eyes on him. Armin balled his fists and Mikasa was white in the face. They knew what was about to happen. They knew that this night would change everything.

Eren left them alone in their room. Scared. Excited. And fueled by his anger.

- - -

Red was the light of the afternoon when Eren went down into one of the hallways near the giant palace gardens. He ignored Izzy, who was more than happy to see him once again.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon again, brat."

This time he didn't bother to correct the man.

"I need to talk to you."

Levi was wearing his uniform once again, hand on his sword and the other propped up on his waist. He tilted his head at Eren's serious tone and squinted at him.

"What about?"

"About your soldiers."

"Why the hell would you-" Levi shut himself up and a glimmer of realization dawned on his face. "Ah. I understand."

"You don't understand anything."

"Then it's not true that your dear prince wants input on my army?", Levi sneered and made a clicking sound with his voice. Izzy whined lowly but followed the silent command and stepped away from Eren.

"Levi, I need to talk to your soldiers.", Eren responded calmly, hands in the pockets of his trousers. He contained the hate, the anger, the guilt and the regret and all the other feelings he had started to connect with Levi, especially since Dauper.

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