Chapter 70

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Levi POV

The first time Levi had seen the prince, the young man had been disguised by a mask.

The last time his features had been hidden by shadows only, little noises and movements enough to give away anything the prince allowed Levi to see.

The dirt under Levi's knees soaked his trousers and the cold bit at his fingers but he didn't care about either of it.

The moonlight shone down on them, finding its way through the crowns of the trees and down on the figure of the Second Prince.

Levi, who's eyes were already used to the dark, could do nothing but stare.

Stare at the prince.

And the face he finally had the chance to see for himself.

The prince stared openly back at him, emerald eyes burning a hole into his soul.

"This is General Ackerman.", the young man said, a surprisingly soft edge to his voice. The Queen narrowed her eyes.

"As in Humanity's Strongest?"

The prince frowned.

"Which is exactly why I don't know how they managed to catch him."

Historia opened her mouth, probably to defend her soldiers but then kept silent, accepting that the prince was right.

They both stared him down, waiting for an explanation from him.

But Levi was still too caught up with sending the Second Prince scrutinizing glances, inspecting the other man's form.

He was so very young.

Almost as young as the Queen if not younger.

The hardness in his face was almost betrayed by the gentle note glimmering in his eyes.

Dark strands of hair framed the prince's cheekbones.

When he tilted his head a bit, his hair fell over his shoulder and he shifted uncomfortably, not liking the knowing shimmer in the young man's mimic.

"We have to know what he heard.", the Queen hissed. She clenched her fists and Levi was waiting for her command to kill him off. To get rid of the danger he posed.

"He most likely heard nothing.", the prince suddenly intervened, making a calming gesture with his hand. His eyes were still fixated on Levi. "He would have never gotten caught if he was sure he could tell his king something of importance."

"Is he that loyal to your father?"

Levi expectantly waited for the prince's answer. For an answer he didn't yet know he needed.

The Second Prince stared right back at him, arms crossed behind his back and something akin to a hesitant smile tugging at his lips.

"That remains to be seen, doesn't it?"

Levi did his best to swallow down the lump in his throat.

He wasn't scared of the prince.

But whenever their eyes met he felt this...sense of familiarity tugging at the edge of his consciousness. And he didn't like at all that he couldn't put a finger on why exactly.

"Whatever you're planning, I don't fucking care about it as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.", Levi said carefully.

"What have you heard?", the Queen asked again, not minding the tense prince beside her. Silence stretched between them and was his answer.

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