Chapter 60

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Levi POV

Cold settled in Levi's bones, the feeling eerily uncomfortable. Yet he didn't dare to move. Neither forward to the young man nor backwards to call for help – not that he would need it if it came down to a fight.

Although he should reconsider this statement if he thought about the little show of that guy back then in the throne room. If Levi closed his eyes, he would still be able to see those magnificent pairs of wings. Their outstanding beauty and elegance.

Now that the man, who those wings belonged to, stood in front of him, mere meters away, Levi found that he didn't even want to do anything. He couldn't trust his own instincts and that frightened him.

Not that he would ever admit that if Eyebrows or Four-Eyes asked him.

"What are you doing here?", he asked, keeping a hand in front of Izzy's face to keep the dog from happily running up to the guy who she seemed to have taken a liking to faster than ever before.

The prince, who was more a shadow than a person at this point of the night, carefully took a step back as if he were hiding behind the trunk of the tree with a hand against the wood and his head tilted in a way that made Levi want to swallow down the lump in his throat.

"I could ask you the same question."

A voice, as soft as velvet and deep enough to send shivers down Levi's spine, kept his attention on the young man.

"Answer or I'll call the guards.", Levi snarled. Despite his words, he kept his voice low, not particularly liking the thought of someone else showing up. They might scare the boy away.

The chuckle, that followed after Levi's resolute statement, resonated in his head a thousand times over and over until he had to blink three or four times to get rid of this...picture...that kept coming up in his head.

A picture of the prince's confident smirk.

A smirk that Levi somehow knew was on his face right now.

"We both know that you would have done that as soon as your beast spotted me if you had really planned on it."

"You don't fucking know anything, brat!", Levi stressed and was short of giving Izzy the sign to move forward and do whatever she wanted to do with the prince. Even if that meant she was just going in for a hug. But who the fuck would expect that from a creature like her?

"Oh? Then please, General, explain to me what I apparently don't know."

The boy moved forward a bit. Just enough so Levi could make out his fragile features in the moonlight but little else. He wore the same coat...the coat back then...

He raised a hand to brush a few loose strands of hair out of his face and for a second there Levi was wondering if he was just imagining the suggestive tone of the royal brat.

Levi pressed his lips together and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Shouldn't you royal bastards be fucking educated enough to answer a simple question?", Levi spat, images of Zeke crawling into his head. "Answer me."

"You aren't fond of members of the royal family, I take it?", the prince chuckled slightly, the movement of his head just small enough to look endearing in the moonlight.

No! What the fuck? Get a grip on yourself, Levi! Damn it!

"Your father sure as hell didn't make a good first impression.", Levi growled and watched the flinch of the boy with glimmering interest. "And neither did your brother."

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